
Swift CFRunLoop

A CFRunLoop object monitors sources of input to a task and dispatches control when they become ready for processing. Examples of input sources might include user input devices,network connections,periodic or time-delayed events,and asynchronous callbacks.


Three types of objects can be monitored by a run loop: sources (CFRunLoopSource),timers (CFRunLoopTimer),and observers (CFRunLoopObserver). To receive callbacks when these objects need processing,you must first place these objects into a run loop with CFRunLoopAddSource(_:_:_:),CFRunLoopAddTimer(_:_:_:),or CFRunLoopAddObserver(_:_:_:). You can later remove an object from the run loop (or invalidate it) to stop receiving its callback.


Each source,timer,and observer added to a run loop must be associated with one or more run loop modes. Modes determine what events are processed by the run loop during a given iteration. Each time the run loop executes,it does so in a specific mode. While in that mode,the run loop processes only the events associated with sources,timers,and observers associated with that mode. You assign most sources to the default run loop mode (designated by the defaultMode constant),which is used to process events when the application (or thread) is idle. However,the system defines other modes and may execute the run loop in those other modes to limit which sources,and observers are processed. Because run-loop modes are simply specified as strings,you can also define your own custom modes to limit the processing of events


Core Foundation defines a special pseudo-mode,called the common modes,that allow you to associate more than one mode with a given source,or observer. To specify the common modes,use the commonModes constant for the mode when configuring the object. Each run loop has its own independent set of common modes and the default mode (defaultMode) is always a member of the set. To add a mode to the set of common modes,use the CFRunLoopAddCommonMode(_:_:) function.


There is exactly one run loop per thread. You neither create nor destroy a thread’s run loop. Core Foundation automatically creates it for you as needed. You obtain the current thread’s run loop with CFRunLoopGetCurrent(). Call CFRunLoopRun() to run the current thread’s run loop in the default mode until the run loop is stopped with CFRunLoopStop(_:). You can also call CFRunLoopRunInMode(_:_:_:) to run the current thread’s run loop in a specified mode for a set period of time (or until the run loop is stopped). A run loop can only run if the requested mode has at least one source or timer to monitor.


Run loops can be run recursively. You can call CFRunLoopRun() or CFRunLoopRunInMode(_:_:_:) from within any run loop callout and create nested run loop activations on the current thread’s call stack. You are not restricted in which modes you can run from within a callout. You can create another run loop activation running in any available run loop mode,including any modes already running higher in the call stack.


Cocoa applications build upon CFRunLoop to implement their own higher-level event loop. When writing an application,you can add your sources,and observers to their run loop objects and modes. Your objects will then get monitored as part of the regular application event loop. Use the getCFRunLoop() method of RunLoop to obtain the corresponding CFRunLoop type. In Carbon applications,use the GetCFRunLoopFromEventLoop(_:) function.

Cocoa应用程序建立CFRunLoop实现自己的高级事件循环。在编写应用程序时,您可以添加您的来源,观察员运行循环对象和模式。对象将会得到监控作为常规应用程序事件循环的一部分。使用getCFRunLoop RunLoop()方法获取相应的CFRunLoop类型。在碳的应用程序中,使用GetCFRunLoopFromEventLoop(_:)功能

For more information about how run loops behave,seeRun LoopsinThreading Programming Guide.




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