玩过其他开发语言的小伙伴都知道继承,也就是子类继承父类的特性。这在开发过程中非常有用,可以节省大量工作量。   声明基类 下面我们声明一个常见的基类Base,有两个属性(count、description)和一个方法(inherited),其中description是只读的。 /// 基类 class Base { var count = 0.0 var description:
Swift中的类的继承,可以继承类的属性和方法,或是其他特性.子类也可以重写父类的方法或是属性. 定义一个父类: class Vehicle { var currentSpeed = 0.0; var description:String{ return "traverling at \(currentSpeed) miles per hour" }
Here at HauteLook, we’re almost constantly interviewing engineers. Not because we have high turnover, but because we’re always growing the team and it’s difficult to find engineers that have the skill