Cocos2dx change line 在 cocos2dx change line 的实现中,我们可以简单的使用 dimensions属性控制换行。使用它只需将对应的参数值传入构造函数,或者调用 setDimensions 函数即可。 它的换行策略是:当一个单词超出限制长度时,将它移动到下一行。有时这种策略并不合适。例如,在某些语言中,单词都比较长。如果采用这种策略,会出现每一行中只有一个单词
building apk Please input the absolute/relative path of ".keystore" file: Traceback (most recent call last):   File "F:\work\cocos2dx\cocos2d-x-3.5\tools\cocos2d-console\bin\", line 859, in <m
Multiple annotations found at this line:  - <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8> 删除重新写一下(剪切+粘贴)
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LuaJIT has only a single stand-alone executable, called luajit on POSIX systems orluajit.exe on Windows. It can be used to run simple Lua statements or whole Lua applications from the command line. It