Partial Update Using dojox/mobile/ContentPane In this example, there is a dojox/mobile/ContentPane widget in the transition target view. dojox/mobile/ContentPane is a very simple container widget, so
LINQ (language integrated query) is one of the new features provided with VS 2008 and .NET 3.5.  LINQ makes the concept of querying data a first class programming concept in .NET, and enables you to e
前情概要: 我们在实际项目中肯定会遇到这样或者那样的细小的业务需求。比如接下来我要描述的这个业务需求。在写一些国外的业务时,总会遇到英文书写规范的问题。我们Query到一组数据。我们要对它进行分隔显示。XXField/XXField/XXField这样的格式。但是客户说啥就是啥,他们认为这样看不清,想要这样的: XXField XXField XXField 我们嘿嘿一笑说马上改(改你MDB)。