1、Simple Demo We can operate the GPIO of NodeMCU like Arduino,Code block-1 is a simple demo gave by the official website. For more you can see http://nodemcu.readthedocs.io/en/master/en/modules/gpio/
NodeMCU是一块集成了ESP8266的单片机,它具有体积小,扩展性强的特点。在物联网应用领域将迸发出强大的能量。我们通过入门一个NodeMCU的程序来展示一下它的强大功能。   NodeMCU的WIFI模块有三种模式,AP模式(即路由器模式),STA模式(我的理解是无线网卡模式),AP+STA模式。我们下面要讲的一个案例是用STA模式。在该种模式下,你可以把NodeMCU当作一个无线网中的一个
On the board of NodeMCU, there are two leds what can be tested. 1、First LED Through the pcb file of  NodeMCU (see Figure-1 or  https://github.com/nodemcu/nodemcu-devkit-v1.0/blob/master/NODEMCU_DEVKIT
Since  the execution of  "init.lua" at the time of NodeMCU booting, once there are any bugs in it, the NodeMCU may restart over and over again.Luckily, the Lua is asynchronous.At the same time of boot
On the board of NodeMCU, there are two leds what can be tested. 1、First LED Through the pcb file of  NodeMCU (see Figure-1 or  https://github.com/nodemcu/nodemcu-devkit-v1.0/blob/master/NODEMCU_DEVKIT