
ubuntu – 如何在系统启动时自动启动docker容器?


有没有一种在Ubuntu 14.04上执行此操作的首选方法


显然,自动启动Docker容器( from Docker 1.2)的当前方法是使用 restart policies.这将控制Docker在启动时如何处理容器的启动以及在容器退出时如何重新启动容器.到目前为止,我已经使用了’always’选项,并且可以确认它使Docker在系统启动时自动启动容器:
sudo docker run --restart=always -d myimage


Restart Policies Using the –restart flag on Docker run you can
specify a restart policy for how a container should or should not be
restarted on exit.

no – Do not restart the container when it exits.

on-failure – Restart the container only if it exits with a non zero
exit status.

always – Always restart the container regardless of the exit status.

You can also specify the maximum amount of times Docker will try to
restart the container when using the on-failure policy. The default is
that Docker will try forever to restart the container.


This will run the redis
container with a restart policy of always so that if the container
exits,Docker will restart it.


This will run the redis container with a restart policy of on-failure and a maximum restart count of 10. If the redis container exits with a non-zero exit status more than 10 times in a row Docker will abort trying to restart the container. Providing a maximum restart limit is only valid for the on-failure policy.


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