
For Each Dir_path In MasterIndex(,0)
    'do some stuff here




注意:使用For Each循环迭代数组中的元素时,每次迭代生成的占位符都是实际数组中值的副本.对该值的更改不会反映在原始数组中.如果您想要执行除读取信息之外的任何操作,则需要使用For循环直接寻址数组元素.


Dim MasterIndex(5,2) As String

For IoUter As Integer = MasterIndex.GetLowerBound(0) To MasterIndex.GetUpperBound(0)
  'IoUter represents the first dimension
  For iInner As Integer = MasterIndex.GetLowerBound(1) To MasterIndex.GetUpperBound(1)
    'iInner represents the second dimension
    MasterIndex(IoUter,iInner) = "This Isn't nothing" 'Set the value
  Next 'iInner

  'If you are only interested in the first element you don't need the inner loop
  MasterIndex(IoUter,0) = "This is the first element in the second dimension"
Next 'IoUter
'MasterIndex is Now filled completely


如果你想循环一个锯齿状的数组,就像Konrad Rudolph所建议的那样(这在函数上更接近地匹配其他更松散类型的语言,如PHP的数组实现),你可以像这样:

'This is a jagged array (array of arrays) populated with three arrays each with three elements
Dim Jaggedindex()() As String = {
  New String() {"1","2","3"},New String() {"1","3"}

For Each aOuter As String() In Jaggedindex
  'If you are only interested in the first element you don't need the inner for each loop
  Dim sDesiredValue As String = aOuter(0) 'This is the first element in the inner array (second dimension)

  For Each sElement As String In aOuter
    Dim sCatch As String = sElement 'Assign the value of each element in the inner array to sCatch
    sElement = "This Won't Stick" 'This will only hold value within the context of this loop iteration
  Next 'sElement
Next 'aOuter
'Jaggedindex is still the same as when it was declared

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Format[$] ( expr [ , fmt ] ) format 返回变体型 format$ 强制返回为文本 -------------------------------- 数字类型的格式化 --------------------------------     固定格式参数:     General Number 普通数字,如可以用来去掉千位分隔号     format$("100,1
VB6或者ASP 格式化时间为 MM/dd/yyyy 格式,竟然没有好的办法, Format 或者FormatDateTime 竟然结果和系统设置的区域语言的日期和时间格式相关。意思是尽管你用诸如 Format(Now, "MM/dd/yyyy"),如果系统的设置格式区域语言的日期和时间格式分隔符是"-",那他还会显示为 MM-dd-yyyy     只有拼凑: <%response.write
在项目中添加如下代码:新建窗口来显示异常信息。 Namespace My ‘全局错误处理,新的解决方案直接添加本ApplicationEvents.vb 到工程即可 ‘添加后还需要一个From用来显示错误。如果到这步还不会则需要先打好基础啦 ‘======================================================== ‘以下事件
转了这一篇文章,原来一直想用C#做k3的插件开发,vb没有C#用的爽呀,这篇文章写与2011年,看来我以前没有认真去找这个方法呀。 https://blog.csdn.net/chzjxgd/article/details/6176325 金蝶K3 BOS的插件官方是用VB6编写的,如果  能用.Net下的语言工具开发BOS插件是一件很愉快的事情,其中缘由不言而喻,而本文则是个人首创,实现在了用V
Sub 分列() ‘以空格为分隔符,连续空格只算1个。对所选中的单元格进行处理 Dim m As Range, tmpStr As String, s As String Dim x As Integer, y As Integer, subStr As String If MsgBox("确定要分列处理吗?请确定分列的数据会覆盖它后面的单元格!", _
  窗体代码 1 Private Sub Text1_OLEDragDrop(Data As DataObject, Effect As Long, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) 2 Dim path As String, hash As String 3 For Each fil
  Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient Public Class Form1 ‘ GLOBAL DECLARATIONS Dim conString As String = "Server=localhost;Database=net2;Uid=root;Pwd=123456;" Dim con As New MySqlConnection
‘導入命名空間 Imports ADODB Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop   Private Sub A1() Dim Sql As String Dim Cnn As New ADODB.Connection Dim Rs As New ADODB.Recordset Dim S As String   S = "Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracl
Imports System.IO Imports System.Threading Imports System.Diagnostics Public Class Form1 Dim A(254) As String    Function ping(ByVal IP As Integer) As String Dim IPAddress As String IPAddress = "10.0.
VB运行EXE程序,并等待其运行结束 参考:https://blog.csdn.net/useway/article/details/5494084 Private Declare Function WaitForSingleObject Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hHandle As Long, ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) As Long Pr
今天碰到一个问题,登陆的时候,如果不需要验证手机号为空,则不去验证手机号 因为登陆的时候所有的验证信息都存放在一个数组里 Dim CheckUserInfo() As String ={UserBirthday, SecEmail, UserMob, UserSex, RealNameFirst, RealName, CheckCardID, CheckCardType, Contactemail
在VB6.0中,数据访问接口有三种: 1、ActiveX数据对象(ADO) 2、远程数据对象(RDO) 3、数据访问对象(DAO) 1.使用ADO(ActiveX Data Objec,ActiveX数据对象)连接SQL Server 1)使用ADO控件连接 使用ADO控件的ConnectionString属性就可以连接SQL Server,该属性包含一个由分号分隔的argument=value语
注:大家如果没有VB6.0的安装文件,可自行百度一下下载,一般文件大小在200M左右的均为完整版的软件,可以使用。   特别提示:安装此软件的时候最好退出360杀毒软件(包括360安全卫士,电脑管家等,如果电脑上有这些软件的话),因为现如今的360杀毒软件直接会对VB6.0软件误报,这样的话就可能会在安装过程中被误报阻止而导致安装失败,或者是安装后缺乏很多必须的组件(其它的杀毒软件或安全卫士之类的
Private Sub Form_Load() Call conndb End Sub Private Function conndb() Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset Dim strCn, sql As String Dim db_host As String Dim db_user As String
  PPSM06S70:  Add  moddate  EDITSPRINTJOB:  MAX(TO_CHAR(ETRN.MODDATE, ‘yyyy/mm/dd/HH24:MI AM‘)) ACTUAL_SHIPDATE   4.Test Scenario (1) :Query SQL Test DN:8016578337 SELECT CTRN.TKCTID TRUCK_ID,        
  沒有出現CrystalReportViewer時,須安裝CRforVS_13_0. 新增1個數據集,新增1個數據表,添加二列,列名要和資料庫名一樣. 修改目標Framework 修改app.config, <startup >改成<startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy ="true">  CrystalReport1.rpt增加數據庫專家 在表單
Imports System.Threading Imports System Public Class Form1 Dim th1, th2 As Thread Public Sub Method1() Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To 100 If Me.Label1.BackColor =
Friend Const PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS = &H1F0FFF = 2035711 Friend Const PROCESS_VM_READ = &H10 Friend Const PROCESS_VM_WRITE = &H20 Friend Const PAGE_READONLY = &H2 Friend Const PAGE_READWRITE = &H4 Friend
以下代码随手写的 并没有大量测试 效率也有待提升 如果需要C#的请自行转换 Function SplitBytes(Data As Byte(), Delimiter As Byte()) As List(Of Byte()) Dim i = 0 Dim List As New List(Of Byte()) Dim bytes As New
Imports System.Data.SqlClient Public Class Form1 REM Public conn1 As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection("server=.; Integrated Security=False;Initial Catalog= mydatabase1; User ID= sa;password")