
vb.net – 将布尔值转换为整数会返回-1,表示true?

我正在使用一些 VB.NET代码,似乎是使用CInt(myBoolean)将一个布尔值转换为整数。发生的奇怪的事情是,如果值为true,则返回-1。例如:
CInt(True)  // returns -1
CInt(False) // returns 0


我认为一个布尔值将为1如果为真,如果为假则为0。另外,有没有办法让Visual Basic将1赋值为true而不是赋值-1?

通常,值false表示为0,值true表示任何非0整数值。 true和false的具体值(其他)是你不应该依赖的 – 它们可能是实现特定的。我不知道你想要做什么,但它可能是最好不要依赖于True或False具有任何特定的整数值,除非你绝对必须。


Boolean constant True has numeric value −1. This is because the Boolean data type is stored as a 16-bit signed integer. In this construct −1 evaluates to 16 binary 1s (the Boolean value True),and 0 as 16 0s (the Boolean value False). This is apparent when performing a Not operation on a 16 bit signed integer value 0 which will return the integer value −1,in other words True = Not False. This inherent functionality becomes especially useful when performing logical operations on the individual bits of an integer such as And,Or,Xor and Not.[4] This deFinition of True is also consistent with BASIC since the early 1970s Microsoft BASIC implementation and is also related to the characteristics of cpu instructions at the time.

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