




Public X0 As Double,Y0 As Double,X1 As Double,Y1 As Double,X2 As Double,Y2 As Double,R As Double
Public Xs1 As Double,Ys1 As Double,Xs2 As Double,Ys2 As Double
Public Ori As Integer
Public Xl1 As Double,Yl1 As Double,Xl2 As Double,Yl2 As Double,dX1 As Double,dY1 As Double,dX2 As Double,dY2 As Double,d1 As Double,d2 As Double

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim X1_FWD As Integer,Y1_FWD As Integer,X2_FWD As Integer,Y2_FWD As Integer
Dim alfa As Double,beta As Double

Call PaintAxis

Picture1.ForeColor = vbBlue
Picture1.DrawWidth = 1
Picture1.Line (X0,Y0)-(X1,Y1)
Picture1.Line (X1,Y1)-(X2,Y2)


dX1 = X1 - X0
dY1 = Y1 - Y0
dX2 = X2 - X1
dY2 = Y2 - Y1

alfa = Atn(dY1 / dX1)

beta = Atn(dY2 / dX2)

If dX1 >= 0 Then
X1_FWD = 1
X1_FWD = -1
End If

If dX2 >= 0 Then
X2_FWD = 1
X2_FWD = -1
End If

If dY1 >= 0 Then
Y1_FWD = 1
Y1_FWD = -1
End If

If dY2 >= 0 Then
Y2_FWD = 1
Y2_FWD = -1
End If

d1 = Sqr(dX1 ^ 2 + dY1 ^ 2)
d2 = Sqr(dX2 ^ 2 + dY2 ^ 2)
Xl1 = dX1 / d1
Yl1 = dY1 / d1
Xl2 = dX2 / d2
Yl2 = dY2 / d2


If Ori * (Yl2 * Xl1 - Xl2 * Yl1) >= 0 Then '缩短型
    If Combo1.ListIndex = 0 And Ori * (Yl2 * Xl1 - Xl2 * Yl1) <> 0 Then
    Xs1 = X1 - R * Ori * Yl2
    Ys1 = Y1 + R * Ori * Xl2
    X_0p.Text = X0
    Y_0p.Text = Y0
    X_s1.Text = Xs1
    Y_s1.Text = Ys1
    X_2p.Text = Xs1 + dX2
    Y_2p.Text = Ys1 + dY2
    Picture1.ForeColor = vbmagenta
    Picture1.Line (X0,Y0)-(Xs1,Ys1)
    Picture1.Line (Xs1,Ys1)-(Xs1 + dX2,Ys1 + dY2)
    ElseIf Combo1.ListIndex = 1 Then
        If Yl2 * Xl1 - Xl2 * Yl1 = 0 Then 'l1与l2共线
        Xs1 = X1 - R * Ori * Yl1
        Ys1 = Y1 + R * Ori * Xl1
        X_0p.Text = Xs1 - dX1
        Y_0p.Text = Ys1 - dY1
        X_s1.Text = Xs1
        Y_s1.Text = Ys1
        X_2p.Text = Xs1 + dX2
        Y_2p.Text = Ys1 + dY2
        Picture1.ForeColor = vbmagenta
        Picture1.Line (Xs1 - dX1,Ys1 - dY1)-(Xs1,Ys1)
        Picture1.Line (Xs1,Ys1 + dY2)
        Else ' l1与l2不共线
        Xs1 = X1 + (Xl2 - Xl1) * Ori * R / (Xl1 * Yl2 - Xl2 * Yl1)
        Ys1 = Y1 + (Yl2 - Yl1) * Ori * R / (Xl1 * Yl2 - Xl2 * Yl1)
        X_0p.Text = Xs1 - dX1
        Y_0p.Text = Ys1 - dY1
        X_s1.Text = Xs1
        Y_s1.Text = Ys1
        X_2p.Text = Xs1 + dX2
        Y_2p.Text = Ys1 + dY2
        Picture1.ForeColor = vbmagenta
        Picture1.Line (Xs1 - dX1,Ys1 + dY2)
        End If
    ElseIf Combo1.ListIndex = 2 And Ori * (Yl2 * Xl1 - Xl2 * Yl1) <> 0 Then
    Xs1 = X1 - R * Ori * Yl1
    Ys1 = Y1 + R * Ori * Xl1
    X_0p.Text = Xs1 - dX1
    Y_0p.Text = Ys1 - dY1
    X_s1.Text = Xs1
    Y_s1.Text = Ys1
    X_2p.Text = X2
    Y_2p.Text = Y2
    Picture1.ForeColor = vbmagenta
    Picture1.Line (Xs1 - dX1,Ys1)-(X2,Y2)
    End If

ElseIf Ori * (Yl2 * Xl1 - Xl2 * Yl1) < 0 And (Yl2 * Yl1 + Xl2 * Xl1) >= 0 Then '伸长型
    If Combo1.ListIndex = 0 Then
        Xs1 = X1 - R * Ori * Yl1
        Ys1 = Y1 + R * Ori * Yl1
        Xs2 = X1 + (Xl2 - Xl1) * R * Ori / (Xl1 * Yl2 - Xl2 * Yl1)
        Ys2 = Y1 + (Yl2 - Yl1) * R * Ori / (Xl1 * Yl2 - Xl2 * Yl1)
        X_0p.Text = X0
        Y_0p.Text = Y0
        X_s1.Text = Xs1
        Y_s1.Text = Ys1
        X_s2.Text = Xs2
        Y_s2.Text = Ys2
         'X2' Y2'
        X_2p.Text = Xs2 + dX2
        Y_2p.Text = Ys2 + dY2
        Picture1.ForeColor = vbmagenta
        Picture1.Line (X0,Ys1)-(Xs2,Ys2)
        Picture1.Line (Xs2,Ys2)-(Xs2 + dX2,Ys2 + dY2)
    ElseIf Combo1.ListIndex = 1 Then
        Xs1 = X1 + (Xl2 - Xl1) * R * Ori / (Xl1 * Yl2 - Xl2 * Yl1)
        Ys1 = Y1 + (Yl2 - Yl1) * R * Ori / (Xl1 * Yl2 - Xl2 * Yl1)
        X_s1.Text = Xs1
        Y_s1.Text = Ys1
         'X2' Y2'
        X_2p.Text = Xs2 + dX2
        Y_2p.Text = Ys2 + dY2
        Picture1.ForeColor = vbmagenta
        Picture1.Line (Xs1 - dX1,Ys1 + dY2)
    ElseIf Combo1.ListIndex = 2 Then
        Xs1 = X1 + (Xl2 - Xl1) * R * Ori / (Xl1 * Yl2 - Xl2 * Yl1)
        Ys1 = Y1 + (Yl2 - Yl1) * R * Ori / (Xl1 * Yl2 - Xl2 * Yl1)
        Xs2 = X1 - R * Ori * Yl2
        Ys2 = Y1 + R * Ori * Xl2
        X_0p.Text = Xs1 - dX1
        Y_0p.Text = Ys1 - dY1
        X_s2.Text = Xs2
        Y_s2.Text = Ys2
         'X2' Y2'
        X_2p.Text = X2
        Y_2p.Text = Y2
        Picture1.ForeColor = vbmagenta
        Picture1.Line (Xs1 - dX1,Ys2)-(X2,Y2)
    End If

ElseIf Ori * (Yl2 * Xl1 - Xl2 * Yl1) < 0 And (Yl2 * Yl1 + Xl2 * Xl1) < 0 Then '插入型

    If Combo1.ListIndex = 0 Then
        Xs1 = X1 - R * Ori * Yl1
        Ys1 = Y1 + R * Ori * Xl1
        Xs2 = X1 - Ori * R * Yl1 + R * Xl1
        Ys2 = Y1 + Ori * R * Xl1 + R * Yl1
        Xs3 = X1 - R * Ori * Yl2 - R * Xl2
        Ys3 = Y1 + R * Ori * Xl2 - R * Yl2
        X_s2.Text = Xs2
        Y_s2.Text = Ys2
        X_s3.Text = Xs3
        Y_s3.Text = Ys3
         'X2' Y2'
        X_2p.Text = Xs3 + dX2 + Abs(R * Cos(beta)) * X2_FWD
        Y_2p.Text = Ys3 + dY2 + Abs(R * Sin(beta)) * X2_FWD
        Picture1.ForeColor = vbmagenta
        Picture1.Line (X0,Ys2)-(Xs3,Ys3)
        Picture1.Line (Xs3,Ys3)-(Xs3 + dX2 + Abs(R * Cos(beta)) * X2_FWD,Ys3 + dY2 + Abs(R * Sin(beta)) * Y2_FWD)
    ElseIf Combo1.ListIndex = 1 Then
        Xs1 = X1 - R * Ori * Yl1 + R * Xl1
        Ys1 = Y1 + R * Ori * Xl1 + R * Yl1
        Xs2 = X1 - R * Ori * Yl2 - R * Xl2
        Ys2 = Y1 + R * Ori * Xl2 - R * Yl2
        X_0p.Text = Xs1 - dX1 - Abs(R * Cos(alfa)) * X1_FWD
        Y_0p.Text = Ys1 - dY1 - Abs(R * Sin(alfa)) * Y1_FWD
        X_s2.Text = Xs2
        Y_s2.Text = Ys2
         'X2' Y2'
        X_2p.Text = Xs2 + dX2 + Abs(R * Cos(beta)) * X2_FWD
        Y_2p.Text = Ys2 + dY2 + Abs(R * Sin(beta)) * Y2_FWD
        Picture1.ForeColor = vbmagenta
        Picture1.Line (Xs1 - dX1 - Abs(R * Cos(alfa)) * X1_FWD,Ys1 - dY1 - Abs(R * Sin(alfa)) * Y1_FWD)-(Xs1,Ys2)-(Xs2 + dX2 + Abs(R * Cos(beta)) * X2_FWD,Ys2 + dY2 + Abs(R * Sin(beta)) * Y2_FWD)
    ElseIf Combo1.ListIndex = 2 Then
        Xs1 = X1 - R * Ori * Yl1 + R * Xl1
        Ys1 = Y1 + R * Ori * Xl1 + R * Yl1
        Xs2 = X1 - R * Ori * Yl2 - R * Xl2
        Ys2 = Y1 + R * Ori * Xl2 - R * Yl2
        Xs3 = X1 - R * Ori * Yl2
        Ys3 = Y1 + R * Ori * Xl2
        X_s3.Text = Xs3
        Y_s3.Text = Ys3
         'X2' Y2'
        X_2p.Text = X2
        Y_2p.Text = Y2
        Picture1.ForeColor = vbmagenta
        Picture1.Line (Xs1 - dX1 - Abs(R * Cos(alfa)) * X1_FWD,Ys3)-(X2,Y2)
    End If
End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

Call PaintAxis

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
X_0p.Locked = True
Y_0p.Locked = True
X_s1.Locked = True
Y_s1.Locked = True
X_s2.Locked = True
Y_s2.Locked = True
X_2p.Locked = True
Y_2p.Locked = True

'初始化ComboBox 两个
Combo1.AddItem "刀补建立",0
Combo1.AddItem "刀补进行",1
Combo1.AddItem "刀补撤销",2

End Sub

Private Sub Text1_Change()

End Sub

Private Sub Option1_Click()
Ori = 1
End Sub

Private Sub Option2_Click()
Ori = -1
End Sub

Private Sub Picture1_Paint()

Call PaintAxis

End Sub

Private Sub Text9_Change()
R = Val(R_K.Text)
End Sub

Private Sub R_K_Change()
R = Val(R_K.Text)
End Sub

Private Sub X_0_Change()
X0 = Val(X_0.Text)
End Sub

Private Sub X_1_Change()
X1 = Val(X_1.Text)
End Sub

Private Sub X_2_Change()
X2 = Val(X_2.Text)
End Sub

Private Sub Y_0_Change()
Y0 = Val(Y_0.Text)
End Sub

Private Sub Y_1_Change()
Y1 = Val(Y_1.Text)
End Sub

Private Sub Y_2_Change()
Y2 = Val(Y_2.Text)
End Sub

Private Sub PaintAxis()
Dim i As Integer
Picture1.BackColor = vbWhite
Picture1.ForeColor = vbBlack
Picture1.Scale (-1000,1000)-(1000,-1000)

Picture1.DrawWidth = 2
Picture1.Line (-1000,0)-(1000,0) '画x轴
Picture1.Line (1000,0)-(970,15) '画箭头
Picture1.Line (1000,-15) '画箭头

Picture1.Line (0,-1000)-(0,1000) '画y轴
Picture1.Line (0,1000)-(10,964) '画箭头
Picture1.Line (0,1000)-(-10,964) '画箭头

For i = -10 To 9 Step 1

If i <> 0 Then
Picture1.Line (i * 100,0)-(i * 100,10) 'x轴刻度
Picture1.CurrentX = i * 100 - 52: Picture1.CurrentY = -10: Picture1.Print i * 100 'x轴数字

Picture1.Line (0,i * 100)-(10,i * 100) 'y轴刻度
Picture1.CurrentX = -88: Picture1.CurrentY = i * 100 + 16: Picture1.Print i * 100 'y轴数字
End If
Next i

Picture1.ForeColor = vbRed
Picture1.CurrentX = 10: Picture1.CurrentY = -10: Picture1.Print 0
Picture1.CurrentX = 980: Picture1.CurrentY = -14: Picture1.Print "X"
Picture1.CurrentX = 15: Picture1.CurrentY = 990: Picture1.Print "Y"
Picture1.ForeColor = vbBlack

X_0p.Text = ""
Y_0p.Text = ""
X_s1.Text = ""
Y_s1.Text = ""
X_s2.Text = ""
Y_s2.Text = ""
X_s3.Text = ""
Y_s3.Text = ""
X_2p.Text = ""
Y_2p.Text = ""

End Sub












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