
VB.NET 中正确使用GetExistin​gFacets




API帮助文档的例子ZHeightColors是用VBA写的,它首先通过GetExistin​gFacets获取当前实体的面片信息,基于此构造Client Graphics,然后沿着实体的包围盒Z方向,最小值位置设置为红色,最高值设置为蓝色,期间的颜色为渐变色。


Public Sub ZHeightColors()
    ' Get the surface body from the active document.
    Dim oPartDoc As PartDocument
    Set oPartDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
    Dim oSurfBody As SurfaceBody
    Set oSurfBody = oPartDoc.ComponentDeFinition.SurfaceBodies.Item(1)
    Set oSurfBody = oPartDoc.ComponentDeFinitions.Item(1).SurfaceBodies.Item(1)

    ' Delete the graphics data set and client graphics,if they exist.
    Dim oDataSets As GraphicsDataSets
    On Error Resume Next
    Set oDataSets = oPartDoc.GraphicsDataSetsCollection.Item("MyTest")
    If Err.Number = 0 Then
        oSurfBody.Visible = True
        Exit Sub
    End If
    On Error GoTo 0
    ' Determine the highest tolerance of the existing facet sets.
    Dim ToleranceCount As Long
    Dim ExistingTolerances() As Double
    Call oSurfBody.GetExistingFacetTolerances(ToleranceCount,ExistingTolerances)
    Dim i As Long
    Dim BestTolerance As Double
    For i = 0 To ToleranceCount - 1
        If i = 0 Then
            BestTolerance = ExistingTolerances(i)
        ElseIf ExistingTolerances(i) < BestTolerance Then
            BestTolerance = ExistingTolerances(i)
        End If
    ' Get a set of existing facets.
    Dim iVertexCount As Long
    Dim iFacetCount As Long
    Dim adVertexCoords() As Double
    Dim adnormalVectors() As Double
    Dim aiVertexIndices() As Long
    Call oSurfBody.GetExistingFacets(BestTolerance,iVertexCount,iFacetCount,_
    ' Start a transaction.
    Dim oTrans As Transaction
    Set oTrans = ThisApplication.TransactionManager.StartTransaction(oPartDoc,"Z Height Colors")

    ' Create the graphics data sets collection.
    Set oDataSets = oPartDoc.GraphicsDataSetsCollection.Add("MyTest")
    ' Create the coordinate set and set it using the coordinates from the facets.
    Dim oGraphicsCoordSet As GraphicsCoordinateSet
    Set oGraphicsCoordSet = oDataSets.CreateCoordinateSet(1)
    Call oGraphicsCoordSet.PutCoordinates(adVertexCoords)
    ' Create the index set and set it using the indices from the facets.
    Dim oGraphicsIndexSet As GraphicsIndexSet
    Set oGraphicsIndexSet = oDataSets.CreateIndexSet(2)
    Call oGraphicsIndexSet.PutIndices(aiVertexIndices)
    ' Create the normal set and set it using the normals from the facets.
    Dim oGraphicsnormalSet As GraphicsnormalSet
    Set oGraphicsnormalSet = oDataSets.CreatenormalSet(3)
    Call oGraphicsnormalSet.Putnormals(adnormalVectors)
    ' Determine the min-max range of the body in Z.
    Dim dMinZ As Double
    dMinZ = oSurfBody.RangeBox.MinPoint.Z
    Dim dMaxZ As Double
    dMaxZ = oSurfBody.RangeBox.MaxPoint.Z
    Dim dHeightDifference As Double
    dHeightDifference = dMaxZ - dMinZ
    ' Allocate the array that will contain the color information.
    ' This array contains RGB values for each vertex.
    Dim abtColors() As Byte
    ReDim abtColors(0 To iVertexCount * 3 - 1) As Byte
    ' Load the array with color information for each vertex.
    For i = 0 To iVertexCount - 1
        ' Get the Z height of the current vertex.
        Dim dZValue As Double
        dZValue = adVertexCoords(i * 3 + 2)
        ' Set the color information for the current vertex.  It's computed by
        ' determining the percentage of the total Z range of the body this vertex
        ' is within.  A color between red and blue is computed based on this percentage.
        ' Blue is at the minimum Z and Red is at the maximum Z with blending between.
        abtColors(i * 3) = ((dZValue - dMinZ) / dHeightDifference) * 255
        abtColors(i * 3 + 1) = 0
        abtColors(i * 3 + 2) = ((dMaxZ - dZValue) / dHeightDifference) * 255
    ' Create the color set and set it using the array of rgb values just created.
    Dim oGraphicsColorSet As GraphicsColorSet
    Set oGraphicsColorSet = oDataSets.CreateColorSet(4)
    Call oGraphicsColorSet.PutColors(abtColors)

    ' Create the client graphics collection.
    Dim oClientGraphics As ClientGraphics
    Set oClientGraphics = oPartDoc.ComponentDeFinition.ClientGraphicsCollection.Add("MyTest")
    ' Create a graphics node.
    Dim oGraphicNode As GraphicsNode
    Set oGraphicNode = oClientGraphics.AddNode(1)
    ' Create the triangle graphics.
    Dim oTriangles As TriangleGraphics
    Set oTriangles = oGraphicNode.AddTriangleGraphics
    ' Set varIoUs prroperties of the triangle graphics.
    oTriangles.CoordinateSet = oGraphicsCoordSet
    oTriangles.CoordinateIndexSet = oGraphicsIndexSet
    oTriangles.normalSet = oGraphicsnormalSet
    oTriangles.normalBinding = kPerVertexnormals
    oTriangles.normalIndexSet = oGraphicsIndexSet
    oTriangles.ColorSet = oGraphicsColorSet
    oTriangles.ColorBinding = kPerVertexColors
    oTriangles.ColorIndexSet = oGraphicsIndexSet

    ' Turn off the display of the body.
    oSurfBody.Visible = False
    ' End the transaction.

    ' Update the view.
End Sub

将此段代码贴到VB.NET,调整一些语法错误,编译通过。运行会发现GetExistin​gFacets 失败。这是为什么呢?

1. 首先是在.NET 中定义COM的整型数组,需要用Integers. MSDN是这样说的

If you are interfacing with components not written for the .NET Framework,for example Automation or COM objects,keep in mind that Long has a different data width (32 bits) in other environments. If you are passing a 32-bit argument to such a component,declare it as Integer instead of Long in your new Visual Basic code.

2. 注意数组以0为起始序号,而很多VBA的数组定义为:

Dim stuff(1 to 10) As Double

3. VB.NET中需要对数组初始化,而不能只是定义。例如

Dim adVertexCoords() As Double


Dim adVertexCoords() As Double = {}



    Public Sub ZHeightColors()
        ' Get the surface body from the active document.
        Dim oPartDoc As PartDocument
        oPartDoc = m_invApp.ActiveDocument
        Dim oSurfBody As SurfaceBody
        oSurfBody = oPartDoc.ComponentDeFinition.SurfaceBodies.Item(1)
        oSurfBody = oPartDoc.ComponentDeFinitions.Item(1).SurfaceBodies.Item(1)

        ' Delete the graphics data set and client graphics,if they exist.
        Dim oDataSets As GraphicsDataSets
        On Error Resume Next
        oDataSets = oPartDoc.GraphicsDataSetsCollection.Item("MyTest")
        If Err.Number = 0 Then
            oSurfBody.Visible = True
            Exit Sub
        End If
        On Error GoTo 0

        ' Determine the highest tolerance of the existing facet sets.
        Dim ToleranceCount As Integer
        Dim ExistingTolerances() As Double = {}
        Call oSurfBody.GetExistingFacetTolerances(ToleranceCount,ExistingTolerances)

        Dim i As Integer
        Dim BestTolerance As Double
        For i = 0 To ToleranceCount - 1
            If i = 0 Then
                BestTolerance = ExistingTolerances(i)
            ElseIf ExistingTolerances(i) < BestTolerance Then
                BestTolerance = ExistingTolerances(i)
            End If

        ' Get a set of existing facets.
        Dim iVertexCount As Integer
        Dim iFacetCount As Integer
        Dim adVertexCoords() As Double = {}
        Dim adnormalVectors() As Double = {}
        Dim aiVertexIndices() As Integer = {}
        Call oSurfBody.GetExistingFacets(BestTolerance,_

        ' Start a transaction.
        Dim oTrans As Transaction
        oTrans = m_invApp.TransactionManager.StartTransaction(oPartDoc,"Z Height Colors")

        ' Create the graphics data sets collection.
        oDataSets = oPartDoc.GraphicsDataSetsCollection.Add("MyTest")

        ' Create the coordinate set and set it using the coordinates from the facets.
        Dim oGraphicsCoordSet As GraphicsCoordinateSet
        oGraphicsCoordSet = oDataSets.CreateCoordinateSet(1)
        Call oGraphicsCoordSet.PutCoordinates(adVertexCoords)

        ' Create the index set and set it using the indices from the facets.
        Dim oGraphicsIndexSet As GraphicsIndexSet
        oGraphicsIndexSet = oDataSets.CreateIndexSet(2)
        Call oGraphicsIndexSet.PutIndices(aiVertexIndices)

        ' Create the normal set and set it using the normals from the facets.
        Dim oGraphicsnormalSet As GraphicsnormalSet
        oGraphicsnormalSet = oDataSets.CreatenormalSet(3)
        Call oGraphicsnormalSet.Putnormals(adnormalVectors)

        ' Determine the min-max range of the body in Z.
        Dim dMinZ As Double
        dMinZ = oSurfBody.RangeBox.MinPoint.Z
        Dim dMaxZ As Double
        dMaxZ = oSurfBody.RangeBox.MaxPoint.Z
        Dim dHeightDifference As Double
        dHeightDifference = dMaxZ - dMinZ

        ' Allocate the array that will contain the color information.
        ' This array contains RGB values for each vertex.
        Dim abtColors() As Byte
        ReDim abtColors(iVertexCount * 3 - 1)

        ' Load the array with color information for each vertex.
        For i = 0 To iVertexCount - 1
            ' Get the Z height of the current vertex.
            Dim dZValue As Double
            dZValue = adVertexCoords(i * 3 + 2)

            ' Set the color information for the current vertex.  It's computed by
            ' determining the percentage of the total Z range of the body this vertex
            ' is within.  A color between red and blue is computed based on this percentage.
            ' Blue is at the minimum Z and Red is at the maximum Z with blending between.
            abtColors(i * 3) = ((dZValue - dMinZ) / dHeightDifference) * 255
            abtColors(i * 3 + 1) = 0
            abtColors(i * 3 + 2) = ((dMaxZ - dZValue) / dHeightDifference) * 255

        ' Create the color set and set it using the array of rgb values just created.
        Dim oGraphicsColorSet As GraphicsColorSet
        oGraphicsColorSet = oDataSets.CreateColorSet(4)
        Call oGraphicsColorSet.PutColors(abtColors)

        ' Create the client graphics collection.
        Dim oClientGraphics As ClientGraphics
        oClientGraphics = oPartDoc.ComponentDeFinition.ClientGraphicsCollection.Add("MyTest")

        ' Create a graphics node.
        Dim oGraphicNode As GraphicsNode
        oGraphicNode = oClientGraphics.AddNode(1)

        ' Create the triangle graphics.
        Dim oTriangles As TriangleGraphics
        oTriangles = oGraphicNode.AddTriangleGraphics

        ' Set varIoUs prroperties of the triangle graphics.
        oTriangles.CoordinateSet = oGraphicsCoordSet
        oTriangles.CoordinateIndexSet = oGraphicsIndexSet
        oTriangles.normalSet = oGraphicsnormalSet
        oTriangles.normalBinding = normalBindingEnum.kPerVertexnormals
        oTriangles.normalIndexSet = oGraphicsIndexSet
        oTriangles.ColorSet = oGraphicsColorSet
        oTriangles.ColorBinding = ColorBindingEnum.kPerVertexColors
        oTriangles.ColorIndexSet = oGraphicsIndexSet

        ' Turn off the display of the body.
        oSurfBody.Visible = False

        ' End the transaction.

        ' Update the view.
    End Sub


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