
VB Unescape

Public Function unescape(szEscape As String) As String
    Dim i As Long,l As Long
    Dim c As String,s As String
    l = Len(szEscape)
    unescape = ""
    For i = 1 To l
        c = Mid$(szEscape,i,1)
        If c = "%" Then
            If Mid$(szEscape,i + 1,1) = "u" And i <= l - 5 Then
                s = "&H" & Mid$(szEscape,i + 2,4)
                If IsNumeric(s) Then
                    c = ChrW$(CLng(Val(s)))
                    i = i + 5
                End If
            ElseIf i <= l - 2 Then
                s = "&H" & Mid$(szEscape,2)
                c = ChrW$(CLng(Val(s)))
                i = i + 2
            End If
        End If
        unescape = unescape & c
    Next i
End Function

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