
VB6实现Ring3下直接调用Ring0层函数,反一切R3下API Hook




Private asm_CallCode() As Byte,KiFastSystemCall&,KiIntSystemCall&
Private Declare Function CallWindowProcW& Lib "user32" (ByVal lpPrevWndFunc As Long,ByVal hWnd As Long,ByVal Msg As Long,ByVal wParam As Long,ByVal lParam As Long)
Private Declare Function LocalAlloc& Lib "kernel32" (ByVal f&,ByVal s&)
Private Declare Function LocalSize& Lib "kernel32" (ByVal m&)
Private Declare Function LocalFree& Lib "kernel32" (ByVal m&)
Private Declare Function GetModuleHandleA& Lib "kernel32" (ByVal n$)
Private Declare Function GetProcAddress& Lib "kernel32" (ByVal m&,ByVal n$)
Private Declare Function IsWow64Process& Lib "kernel32" (ByVal h&,IsWow64 As Boolean)
Private Declare Sub RtlMoveMemory Lib "kernel32" (ByVal Dst&,ByVal Src&,ByVal Size&)
Private Declare Sub PutMem1 Lib "msvbvm60" (ByVal Ptr As Long,ByVal NewVal As Byte)
Private Declare Sub PutMem2 Lib "msvbvm60" (ByVal Ptr As Long,ByVal NewVal As Integer)
Private Declare Sub PutMem4 Lib "msvbvm60" (ByVal Ptr As Long,ByVal NewVal As Long)
Private Declare Sub PutMem8 Lib "msvbvm60" (ByVal Ptr As Long,ByVal NewVal As Currency)

Public Function ReadKrnlFunctionIndex&(ByVal Name$,Optional ByVal DllFile$ = "ntdll.dll") '//读取内核函数索引
Dim pEntry&,dwIndex&
pEntry = GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA(DllFile),Name)
RtlMoveMemory VarPtr(dwIndex),pEntry + 1,4
ReadKrnlFunctionIndex = dwIndex
End Function

Public Function InitCallKernel() As Boolean '//这里初始化call代码
Dim bWow64 As Boolean
IsWow64Process -1,bWow64
If bWow64 Then Exit Function '//不支持x64
ReDim asm_CallCode(11)
KiFastSystemCall = GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA("ntdll.dll"),"KiFastSystemCall")
KiIntSystemCall = GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA("ntdll.dll"),"KiIntSystemCall")
If KiFastSystemCall = 0 Then Exit Function
If KiIntSystemCall = 0 Then Exit Function
asm_CallCode(0) = &HBA
RtlMoveMemory VarPtr(asm_CallCode(1)),IIf(CheckKiFastSystemCallHook,VarPtr(KiIntSystemCall),VarPtr(KiFastSystemCall)),4 '//这里检测Hook,如果KiFastSystemCall被Hook、修改,就使用KiIntSystemCall
asm_CallCode(5) = &HB8
RtlMoveMemory VarPtr(asm_CallCode(6)),VarPtr(0&),4
asm_CallCode(10) = &HFF
asm_CallCode(11) = &HD2
InitCallKernel = True
End Function

Public Function CheckKiFastSystemCallHook() As Boolean
Dim bChar As Byte
RtlMoveMemory VarPtr(bChar),KiFastSystemCall,1
If bChar = &HE9 Then CheckKiFastSystemCallHook = True: Exit Function '//检测jmp Hook
If bChar = &H68 Then CheckKiFastSystemCallHook = True: Exit Function '//检测push Hook
Dim dw3Char&
RtlMoveMemory VarPtr(dw3Char),3
If dw3Char <> 1037451 Then CheckKiFastSystemCallHook = True: Exit Function '//检测函数头
End Function

Public Function CallKernelFunction&(ByVal Name$,ByVal DllFile$,ParamArray pparam())
Dim dwIndex&
dwIndex = ReadKrnlFunctionIndex(Name,DllFile)
If dwIndex = 0 Then CallKernelFunction = -1: Exit Function
Dim ret&,i%,offset&
Dim hMem&
hMem = LocalAlloc(0,((UBound(pParam) + 2) * 5) + UBound(pParam) + 1 + 1 + 12 + 1) '//申请代码内存
offset = hMem
For i = UBound(pParam) To 0 Step -1 '//压栈
PutMem1 offset,&H68 'push Param
offset = offset + 1
PutMem4 offset,pParam(i)
offset = offset + 4
PutMem1 offset,&H68 'push Return Address
PutMem4 offset + 1,VarPtr(ret)
offset = offset + 5
RtlMoveMemory VarPtr(asm_CallCode(6)),VarPtr(dwIndex),4 '//设置内核函数索引
RtlMoveMemory offset,VarPtr(asm_CallCode(0)),12 '//把初始化的代码整个复制过去,省得重造轮子
offset = offset + 12
For i = 0 To UBound(pParam) + 1 '//出栈
PutMem1 offset,&H59 'pop
offset = offset + 1
PutMem1 offset,&HC3 'retn
PutMem1 hMem + LocalSize(hMem),&H90 '//nop一行代码
CallKernelFunction = CallWindowProcW(hMem,0) 'call
LocalFree hMem '//释放内存
End Function
Private Declare Function textout& Lib "gdi32" Alias "textoutA" (ByVal DC As Long,ByVal X As Long,ByVal Y As Long,ByVal Text As String,ByVal Size As Long)
Private Declare Function CreateThread& Lib "kernel32" (Optional ByVal Attributes As Long,Optional ByVal StackSize As Long,Optional ByVal Address As Long,Optional Parameter As Long,Optional ByVal CreationFlags As Long,Optional TIDs As Long)
Private Type CONTEXT
ContextFlags As Long
Dr(5) As Long
FloatSave(111) As Byte
SegGs As Long
SegFs As Long
SegEs As Long
SegDs As Long
Edi As Long
Esi As Long
Ebx As Long
Edx As Long
Ecx As Long
Eax As Long
Ebp As Long
Eip As Long
SegCs As Long
EFlags As Long
Esp As Long
SegSs As Long
End Type

Private Function GetAddr&(ByVal aaa&)
GetAddr = aaa
End Function

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim hThread&
hThread = CreateThread(0,4,0)'线程状态为暂停(开始地址为0,直接执行会崩)
MsgBox hThread
i.ContextFlags = 65543'CONTEXT_FULL
Me.Caption = CallKernelFunction("ZwGetContextThread","ntdll.dll",hThread,VarPtr(i))
i.Eip = GetAddr(AddressOf aaa)'更改执行地址
Me.Caption = CallKernelFunction("ZwSetContextThread",VarPtr(i))
CallKernelFunction "ZwResumeThread",0'恢复线程运行
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Paint()
Dim hDC&
hDC = CallKernelFunction("GetDC","user32.dll",Me.hWnd) '频繁调用可测试稳定性
textout hDC,5,"123",3

Dim hProcess&
Dim objAttr&(5),cid&(1)
cid(0) = 1192 '改成你要打开的PID
CallKernelFunction "ZwOpenProcess",VarPtr(hProcess),2035711,VarPtr(objAttr(0)),VarPtr(cid(0))
Me.Caption = hProcess
End Sub
Public Declare Function ExitThread& Lib "kernel32" (ByVal ExitStatus&)
Public Sub aaa(ByVal Param&)
Dim i&
For i = 0 To 10000
Form1.Caption = i
ExitThread 0
End Sub




Private asm_CallCode() As Byte,asm_MyCallCode() As Byte,KiIntSystemCall&,MyKiFastSystemCall#
Private Declare Function CallWindowProcW& Lib "user32" (ByVal lpPrevWndFunc As Long,4
ReadKrnlFunctionIndex = dwIndex
End Function

Public Function InitCallKernel(Optional ByVal IsMySysenter As Boolean) As Boolean  '//这里初始化call代码
Dim bWow64 As Boolean
IsWow64Process -1,4 '//这里检测Hook,如果KiFastSystemCall被Hook、修改,就使用KiIntSystemCall
If IsMySysenter Then RtlMoveMemory VarPtr(asm_CallCode(1)),VarPtr(InitMyCallKernel),4 '//自己写sysenter,省得R3下被各种Hook
asm_CallCode(5) = &HB8
RtlMoveMemory VarPtr(asm_CallCode(6)),4
asm_CallCode(10) = &HFF
asm_CallCode(11) = &HD2
InitCallKernel = True
End Function

Public Function InitMyCallKernel&() '//本来不想写这招的,可见他们说各种Hook,啊那就(<ゝω·)☆
PutMem4 VarPtr(MyKiFastSystemCall),873452683
PutMem2 VarPtr(MyKiFastSystemCall) + 4,-13117
InitMyCallKernel = VarPtr(MyKiFastSystemCall)
End Function

Public Function CheckKiFastSystemCallHook() As Boolean
Dim bChar As Byte
RtlMoveMemory VarPtr(bChar),0) 'call
LocalFree hMem '//释放内存
End Function

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VB6或者ASP 格式化时间为 MM/dd/yyyy 格式,竟然没有好的办法, Format 或者FormatDateTime 竟然结果和系统设置的区域语言的日期和时间格式相关。意思是尽管你用诸如 Format(Now, "MM/dd/yyyy"),如果系统的设置格式区域语言的日期和时间格式分隔符是"-",那他还会显示为 MM-dd-yyyy     只有拼凑: <%response.write
在项目中添加如下代码:新建窗口来显示异常信息。 Namespace My ‘全局错误处理,新的解决方案直接添加本ApplicationEvents.vb 到工程即可 ‘添加后还需要一个From用来显示错误。如果到这步还不会则需要先打好基础啦 ‘======================================================== ‘以下事件
转了这一篇文章,原来一直想用C#做k3的插件开发,vb没有C#用的爽呀,这篇文章写与2011年,看来我以前没有认真去找这个方法呀。 https://blog.csdn.net/chzjxgd/article/details/6176325 金蝶K3 BOS的插件官方是用VB6编写的,如果  能用.Net下的语言工具开发BOS插件是一件很愉快的事情,其中缘由不言而喻,而本文则是个人首创,实现在了用V
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Imports System.IO Imports System.Threading Imports System.Diagnostics Public Class Form1 Dim A(254) As String    Function ping(ByVal IP As Integer) As String Dim IPAddress As String IPAddress = "10.0.
VB运行EXE程序,并等待其运行结束 参考:https://blog.csdn.net/useway/article/details/5494084 Private Declare Function WaitForSingleObject Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hHandle As Long, ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) As Long Pr