
02-05 控制AutoCAD环境五 设置AutoCAD选项

Set AutoCAD Preferences设置AutoCAD选项

The .NET API does not contain any classes or methods to access the options in which are accessed through the AutoCAD Options dialog Box. Access to these options is done through the ActiveX® Automation library. You use the COM object returned from the Preferences property of the Application object.

AutoCAD .NET API没有提供那些通过AutoCAD选项对话框访问选项的类和方法。要访问这些选项,必须使用ActiveX® Automation库。我们使用从Application对象的Preferences属性返回的COM对象(来访问这些选项)。

Once you have the Preferences COM object,you can then access the nine objects pertaining to the options,each representing a tab in the Options dialog Box. These objects provide access to all of the registry-stored options in the Options dialog Box. You can customize many of the AutoCAD settings by using properties found on these objects. These objects are:



· Preferencesdisplay

· PreferencesDrafting

· PreferencesFiles

· PreferencesOpenSave

· PreferencesOutput

· PreferencesProfiles

· PreferencesSelection

· PreferencesSystem

· PreferencesUser

Access the Preferences object 访问Perferences对象

The following example shows how to access the Preferences object through COM interop.



Dim acPrefComObj As AcadPreferences = Application.Preferences


AcadPreferences acPrefComObj = (AcadPreferences)Application.Preferences;

VBA/ActiveX Code Reference

Dim acadPref as AcadPreferences

Set acadPref = ThisDrawing.Application.Preferences

After you reference the Preferences object,you can then access any of the specific Preferences objects using the display,Drafting,Files,OpenSave,Output,Profile,Selection,System,and User properties.

完成对Perferences对象的引用,我们就可以使用display属性、 Drafting属性、 Files属性、 OpenSave属性、 Output属性、 Profile属性、 Selection属性、 System属性及User属性来访问指定的Perferences对象。

Set the crosshairs to full screen 设置十字光标为全屏幕


Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.applicationservices

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop

<CommandMethod("PrefsSetCursor")> _

Public Sub PrefsSetCursor()

'' This example sets the crosshairs of the AutoCAD drawing cursor

'' to full screen.

'' Access the Preferences object

Dim acPrefComObj As AcadPreferences = Application.Preferences

'' Use the CursorSize property to set the size of the crosshairs

acPrefComObj.display.CursorSize = 100

End Sub


using Autodesk.AutoCAD.applicationservices;

using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime;

using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop;


public static void PrefsSetCursor()


// This example sets the crosshairs for the drawing window

// to full screen.

// Access the Preferences object

AcadPreferences acPrefComObj = (AcadPreferences)Application.Preferences;

// Use the CursorSize property to set the size of the crosshairs

acPrefComObj.display.CursorSize = 100;


VBA/ActiveX Code Reference

Sub PrefsSetCursor()

' This example sets the crosshairs of the AutoCAD drawing cursor

' to full screen

' Access the Preferences object

Dim acadPref As AcadPreferences

Set acadPref = ThisDrawing.Application.Preferences

' Use the CursorSize property to set the size of the crosshairs

acadPref.display.CursorSize = 100

End Sub

Hide the scroll bars 隐藏滚动条


Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.applicationservices

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop

<CommandMethod("PrefsSetdisplay")> _

Public Sub PrefsSetdisplay()

'' This example disables the scroll bars

'' Access the Preferences object

Dim acPrefComObj As AcadPreferences = Application.Preferences

'' disable the scroll bars

acPrefComObj.display.displayScrollBars = False

End Sub


using Autodesk.AutoCAD.applicationservices;

using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime;

using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop;


public static void PrefsSetdisplay()


// This example disables the scroll bars

// Access the Preferences object

AcadPreferences acPrefComObj = (AcadPreferences)Application.Preferences;

// disable the scroll bars

acPrefComObj.display.displayScrollBars = false;


VBA/ActiveX Code Reference

Sub PrefsSetdisplay()

' This example disables the scroll bars

' Access the Preferences object

Dim acadPref As AcadPreferences

Set acadPref = ThisDrawing.Application.Preferences

' disable the scroll bars

acadPref.display.displayScrollBars = False

End Sub

Topics in this section本节主题

· Database Preferences 数据库选项

1、Database Preferences数据库选项

Along with application level preferences,there are drawing based preferences that are accessed with the Options dialog Box that are stored in a drawing file. To access these stored settings,use the appropriate property on the Database object or use the GetSystemVariable and SetSystemVariable methods of the Application object.


VBA/ActiveX Cross Reference


VBA/ActiveX Class

.NET API Class


Database and drawing based system variables


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