


'* 模块名称:Srttitle.bas
'* 调用srt字幕文件成功后:SRTFileAnalysis返回字幕个数(每一个srt字幕可能有多行显示文本)
'* 调用失败后SRTFileAnalysis返回一个长整型数0
'* 特别声明:转载请用IP地址,严禁原文转载!
'* 作者:Chenjl1031(东方之珠)

Option Explicit

Public SRTtitle() As String 'srt字幕数组

Public Function SRTFileAnalysis(ByVal SrtFileName As String) As Long
Dim LineCount As Long,FileNumber As Long,TimeLenth As Long,TimeNumber As Long
Dim Stitle As String,TimeLabel(1 To 2) As String,St As String,StC As String,sSrt() As String
Dim Gottime As Boolean
Dim sHour As Long,smunite As Long,sSecond As Long,s1 As Long,s2 As Long,s3 As Long

On Error Resume Next

If Dir(SrtFileName) = "" Then SRTFileAnalysis = 0: Exit Function
FileNumber = FreeFile: LineCount = 1
Open SrtFileName For Input Lock Read As #FileNumber
do while Not EOF(FileNumber)
Line Input #FileNumber,Stitle '提取srt字幕标签
If IsNumeric(Stitle) Then LineCount = LineCount + 1
Close #FileNumber
SRTFileAnalysis = LineCount - 1
ReDim SRTtitle(1 To LineCount - 1)

FileNumber = FreeFile: LineCount = 1: Gottime = False
Open SrtFileName For Input Lock Read As #FileNumber

do while Not EOF(FileNumber)
Line Input #FileNumber,Stitle '提取srt字幕标签
Stitle = Trim(Stitle)

If Gottime = True Then '已经取到时间标签
If IsNumeric(Stitle) = False Then
If Len(Stitle) <> 0 Then St = St & (Stitle & "-CRLF-") 'CRLF回车换行
Else '进入下一个字幕
Gottime = False '已经提取完第LineCount个字幕
If Len(St) = 0 Then St = Space(10) ': Debug.Print Stitle
SRTtitle(LineCount) = TimeLabel(1) & " [StartTime] " & TimeLabel(2) & " [EndTime] " & St '加上时间标签
SRTtitle(LineCount) = Trim(Left(SRTtitle(LineCount),Len(SRTtitle(LineCount)) - 6))
St = "": LineCount = LineCount + 1 '记录字幕序号
End If
End If

TimeLenth = InStr(1,Stitle,"-->")
If TimeLenth > 0 Then
TimeLabel(1) = Trim(Left(Stitle,TimeLenth - 1)) '字幕显示开始时间
s1 = InStr(1,TimeLabel(1),":")
s2 = InStr(s1 + 1,":")
sHour = CLng(Left(TimeLabel(1),s1 - 1)) * 3600000
smunite = CLng(Mid(TimeLabel(1),s1 + 1,s2 - s1 - 1)) * 60000
sSecond = CLng(Mid(TimeLabel(1),s2 + 1,Len(TimeLabel(1)) - s2))
TimeLabel(1) = CStr(sHour + smunite + sSecond)

TimeLabel(2) = Trim(Right(Stitle,Len(Stitle) - TimeLenth - 3)) '字幕显示结束时间
s1 = InStr(1,TimeLabel(2),":")
sHour = CLng(Left(TimeLabel(2),s1 - 1)) * 3600000
smunite = CLng(Mid(TimeLabel(2),s2 - s1 - 1)) * 60000
sSecond = CLng(Mid(TimeLabel(2),Len(TimeLabel(2)) - s2))
TimeLabel(2) = CStr(sHour + smunite + sSecond)

Gottime = True
End If
SRTtitle(LineCount) = TimeLabel(1) & " [StartTime] " & TimeLabel(2) & " [EndTime] " & SRTtitle(LineCount) & St '加上时间标签
SRTtitle(LineCount) = Trim(Left(SRTtitle(LineCount),Len(SRTtitle(LineCount)) - 6))
Close #FileNumber

For LineCount = 1 To UBound(SRTtitle)
s1 = InStr(1,SRTtitle(LineCount),"/N")
If s1 > 0 Then SRTtitle(LineCount) = Left$(SRTtitle(LineCount),s1 - 1) & " -CRLF- " & Right$(SRTtitle(LineCount),Len(SRTtitle(LineCount)) - s1 - 2)
s2 = InStr(1,"<br>")
If s2 > 0 Then SRTtitle(LineCount) = Left$(SRTtitle(LineCount),s2 - 1) & " -CRLF- " & Right$(SRTtitle(LineCount),Len(SRTtitle(LineCount)) - s2 - 3)
s1 = InStr(1,"/n")
If s1 > 0 Then SRTtitle(LineCount) = Left$(SRTtitle(LineCount),s1 - 1) & Right$(SRTtitle(LineCount),Len(SRTtitle(LineCount)) - s1 - 1)
s2 = InStr(1,"/h")
If s2 > 0 Then SRTtitle(LineCount) = Left$(SRTtitle(LineCount),s2 - 1) & Right$(SRTtitle(LineCount),Len(SRTtitle(LineCount)) - s2 - 1)

If InStr(1,"-CRLF-") > 0 Then
sSrt = Split(SRTtitle(LineCount),"-CRLF-")
s2 = InStr(1,sSrt(0),"[EndTime]")
St = Left$(sSrt(0),s2 + 8) & " [fn=黑体][fs=24][fc=&HFFFFFF][fp=2][fi=0][fu=0][fb=0] " & Right$(sSrt(0),Len(sSrt(0)) - s2 - 8)
For s1 = 1 To UBound(sSrt)
St = St & (" -CRLF- " & "[fn=黑体][fs=24][fc=&HFFFFFF][fp=2][fi=0][fu=0][fb=0] " & sSrt(s1)) '& " -CRLF- ")
s2 = InStr(1,"[EndTime]")
If Len(SRTtitle(LineCount)) - s2 - 8 >= 0 Then
St = Left$(SRTtitle(LineCount),s2 + 8) & " [fn=黑体][fs=24][fc=&HFFFFFF][fp=2][fi=0][fu=0][fb=0] " & Right$(SRTtitle(LineCount),Len(SRTtitle(LineCount)) - s2 - 8)
End If
End If
SRTtitle(LineCount) = St: Erase sSrt

If InStr(1,"-CRLF-") > 0 Then

sSrt = Split(SRTtitle(LineCount),"-CRLF-")
For s1 = 0 To UBound(sSrt)
St = "/fn": StC = "[fn="
sSrt(s1) = Insert_String(sSrt(s1),St,StC,5): GoSub LinkSrt

St = "/fs": StC = "[fs="
sSrt(s1) = Insert_String(sSrt(s1),5): GoSub LinkSrt

St = "/c": StC = "[fc="
sSrt(s1) = Insert_String(sSrt(s1),11): GoSub LinkSrt

St = "/a": StC = "[fp="
sSrt(s1) = Insert_String(sSrt(s1),4): GoSub LinkSrt

St = "/i": StC = "[fi="
sSrt(s1) = Insert_String(sSrt(s1),4): GoSub LinkSrt

St = "/u": StC = "[fu="
sSrt(s1) = Insert_String(sSrt(s1),4): GoSub LinkSrt

St = "/b": StC = "[fb="
sSrt(s1) = Insert_String(sSrt(s1),4): GoSub LinkSrt

Exit For

LinkSrt: St = sSrt(0)
For s3 = 1 To UBound(sSrt) '合并字幕
St = St & (" -CRLF- " & sSrt(s3))
SRTtitle(LineCount) = St

St = "/fn": StC = "[fn="
SRTtitle(LineCount) = Insert_String(SRTtitle(LineCount),5)

St = "/fs": StC = "[fs="
SRTtitle(LineCount) = Insert_String(SRTtitle(LineCount),5)

St = "/c": StC = "[fc="
SRTtitle(LineCount) = Insert_String(SRTtitle(LineCount),11)

St = "/a": StC = "[fp="
SRTtitle(LineCount) = Insert_String(SRTtitle(LineCount),4)

St = "/i": StC = "[fi="
SRTtitle(LineCount) = Insert_String(SRTtitle(LineCount),4)

St = "/u": StC = "[fu="
SRTtitle(LineCount) = Insert_String(SRTtitle(LineCount),4)

St = "/b": StC = "[fb="
SRTtitle(LineCount) = Insert_String(SRTtitle(LineCount),4)

End If
Erase sSrt
SRTtitle(LineCount) = GetXMLCodeValue(SRTtitle(LineCount),ByVal "<i>")
SRTtitle(LineCount) = GetXMLCodeValue(SRTtitle(LineCount),ByVal "<u>")
SRTtitle(LineCount) = GetXMLCodeValue(SRTtitle(LineCount),ByVal "<b>")
SRTtitle(LineCount) = GetXMLCodeValue(SRTtitle(LineCount),ByVal "color=")
SRTtitle(LineCount) = DeleEffectCode(SRTtitle(LineCount),ByVal "<",ByVal ">")
SRTtitle(LineCount) = DeleEffectCode(SRTtitle(LineCount),ByVal "{",ByVal "}")


End Function

Private Function Insert_String(ByVal SourceSrtTitle As String,ByVal SrtEffectCode As String,ByVal SrtCode As String,ByVal LEffect As Long) As String
Dim s1 As Long,s3 As Long,St As String
If Len(Trim(SourceSrtTitle)) = 0 Then Insert_String = Space(10): Exit Function
s1 = 0
On Error Resume Next
s1 = InStr(s1 + 1,SourceSrtTitle,SrtEffectCode)
If SrtEffectCode = "/b" And s1 > 0 Then
If Mid$(SourceSrtTitle,s1,3) = "/be" Then GoTo Cjl
End If
s3 = Len(SrtEffectCode)
If s1 > 0 Then
s2 = InStr(s1 + 1,"/")
If s2 > 0 Then
St = Mid$(SourceSrtTitle,s1 + s3,s2 - s1 - s3)
If InStr(1,"{") > 0 Then St = Left$(St,InStr(1,"{") - 1) & Right$(St,Len(St) - InStr(1,"{"))
If InStr(1,"}") > 0 Then St = Left$(St,"}") - 1) & Right$(St,"}"))
s2 = InStr(s1 + 1,"}")
If s2 > 0 Then
St = Mid$(SourceSrtTitle,s2 - s1 - s3)
End If
End If
s2 = InStr(1,SrtCode)
If InStr(1,SrtEffectCode,"/fn") > 0 Or InStr(1,"/fs") > 0 Then
Insert_String = Left$(SourceSrtTitle,s2 + s3) & St & Right$(SourceSrtTitle,Len(SourceSrtTitle) - s2 - LEffect)
Insert_String = Left$(SourceSrtTitle,s2 + s3 + 1) & St & Right$(SourceSrtTitle,Len(SourceSrtTitle) - s2 - LEffect)
End If
Insert_String = SourceSrtTitle
End If
End Function

Private Function GetXMLCodeValue(ByVal SourceSrtTitle As String,ByVal SrtXMLcode As String) As String
Dim LineCount As Long,sSrt() As String
Dim P1 As Long,P2 As Long,P3 As Long,CO As String,St As String
Dim Pc1 As Long,Pc2 As Long
Dim i As Long,j As Long,K As Long

On Error Resume Next

If InStr(1,"-CRLF-") > 0 Then
If InStr(1,SrtXMLcode) > 0 Then
sSrt = Split(SourceSrtTitle,"-CRLF-")
'ReDim sSrt_1(UBound(sSrt))
For LineCount = 0 To UBound(sSrt)
P1 = InStr(1,sSrt(LineCount),SrtXMLcode)
St = Mid$(LCase(SrtXMLcode),2,1): P2 = InStr(1,"</" & St & ">")
If LCase(SrtXMLcode) = "color=" Then
P2 = InStr(1,"</font>")
If InStr(1,"color=") > 0 Then
Pc1 = InStr(1,"color="): Pc2 = InStr(Pc1 + 6,">")
CO = Mid$(sSrt(LineCount),Pc1 + 6,Pc2 - Pc1 - 6)
If InStr(1,CO,Chr$(34)) > 0 Then CO = "&H" & Mid$(CO,Len(CO) - 2)
If InStr(1,"#") > 0 Then CO = "&H" & Right$(CO,Len(CO) - InStr(1,"#"))
End If
End If
K = LineCount
If P1 > 0 Then
St = Mid$(LCase(SrtXMLcode),1): P3 = InStr(1,sSrt(K),"f" & St & "="): Mid$(sSrt(K),P3 + 3,1) = "1"
If LCase(SrtXMLcode) = "color=" Then
Pc1 = InStr(1,"fc="): Pc2 = InStr(1,"][fp")
sSrt(K) = Left$(sSrt(K),Pc1 + 2) & CO & Right$(sSrt(K),Len(sSrt(K)) - Pc2 + 1)
End If
If P2 > 0 Then
GoTo Cjl
For i = LineCount + 1 To UBound(sSrt)
St = Mid$(LCase(SrtXMLcode),1): j = InStr(1,sSrt(i),"</" & St & ">")
If LCase(SrtXMLcode) = "color=" Then j = InStr(1,"</font>")
K = i
St = Mid$(LCase(SrtXMLcode),Len(sSrt(K)) - Pc2 + 1)
End If
If j > 0 Then Exit For
End If
End If
Cjl: '执行下一次循环

St = sSrt(0)
For i = 1 To UBound(sSrt) '合并字幕
St = St & (" -CRLF- " & sSrt(i))
Erase sSrt
GetXMLCodeValue = St
GetXMLCodeValue = SourceSrtTitle
End If

If InStr(1,SrtXMLcode) > 0 Then
St = Mid$(LCase(SrtXMLcode),1): P1 = InStr(1,"f" & St & "="): Mid$(SourceSrtTitle,P1 + 3,1) = "1"
If LCase(SrtXMLcode) = "color=" Then
P1 = InStr(1,"color="): P2 = InStr(P1 + 6,">")
CO = Mid$(SourceSrtTitle,P1 + 6,P2 - P1 - 6)
If InStr(1,"#"))
P1 = InStr(1,"fc="): P2 = InStr(1,"][fp")
SourceSrtTitle = Left$(SourceSrtTitle,P1 + 2) & CO & Right$(SourceSrtTitle,Len(SourceSrtTitle) - P2 + 1)
End If
GetXMLCodeValue = SourceSrtTitle
GetXMLCodeValue = SourceSrtTitle
End If
End If

End Function

'去掉所有特效代码Private Function DeleEffectCode(ByVal SourceSrtTitle As String,ByVal StartCh As String,ByVal EndCh As String) As String Dim P1 As Long,PS As Long On Error Resume Next PS = 1 do while InStr(PS,StartCh) > 0 P1 = InStr(PS,StartCh) P2 = InStr(P1 + 1,EndCh) Mid$(SourceSrtTitle,P1,P2 - P1 + 1) = Space(P2 - P1 + 1) PS = P2 + 1 DoEvents Loop DeleEffectCode = Trim(SourceSrtTitle) End Function


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