
makecab cabwiz 制作PPC中文程序名的安装包;makecab中利用参数设置不压缩,设置带文件夹进行压缩

在VS2005中没有办法制作中文程序名的CAB安装包,因为cabwiz for vs2005不支持功能解决此问题可以通过网上一些文章所说先制作英文CAB安装包,然后解压,修改_setup.xml文件中的字符,再用makecab重新打包的方法。也可以借助第三方软件,如wincecab manager。

但是这种方法不适于制作PPC2003系统的CAB安装包,在PPC2003上用makecab打包以后,即便设置为无压缩的cab,也仍然不能正确安装。解决方法是,先用VS2005生成带有英文名的CAB,然后,找到cabwiz for vs2003,也就是VS2003目录中的cabwiz.exe,将生成好的英文CAB,以及INF文件,拷贝到cabwiz同目录下,修改INF文件中的相关位置的英文,改为中文,然后用UE将INF文件保存为ANSI格式,然后执行cabwiz.exe xx.inf就会生成想要的PPC2003中的带中文名的安装包了。

另外,makecab 的命令行参数其实有很多,但是在网上找不到特别详细的解释,只好捕风捉影到一些有用的参数,用于使用makecab来制作无压缩的CAB安装包,以及使用makecab来制作包含子目录的CAB安装包。命令行设置如下:

无压缩CAB:makecab /d compress=off /f x.ddf;



.Set CabinetNameTemplate=mycab.CAB

.Set Cabinet=on
.Set Compress=on

"folder2/This is a third file.doc"



.Set CabinetNameTemplate=mycab.CAB

.Set Cabinet=on
.Set Compress=on


.Set DestinationDir=folder1

.Set DestinationDir=folder2
"folder2/This is a third file.doc"



MakeCab : Part 3 - Compress multiple files in multiple folders

By default,MakeCab does not preserve folder path when it compress the files.

Try the following directive file and check the CAB file. You will notice the path information is not in the CAB file. Replace the file list with your actual files.

.OPTION EXPLICIT .Set CabinetNameTemplate=mycab.CAB .Set Cabinet=on.Set Compress=on "file1.pdf""folder1/file2.doc""folder2/This is a third file.doc"

To preserve the path information,you have to use the DestinationDir directive. Modify the directive file to look like this:

.OPTION EXPLICIT .Set CabinetNameTemplate=mycab.CAB .Set Cabinet=on.Set Compress=on "file1.pdf" .Set DestinationDir=folder1"folder1/file2.doc" .Set DestinationDir=folder2"folder2/This is a third file.doc"

Run the MakeCab against the directive file and open the CAB file. You should see the path information is preserved.


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使用 MakeCAB.exe创建CAB文件
阅读(20) 评论(0) 发表时间:2008年06月18日 12:17

MakeCAB.exe 是 Windows 2000 或更高版本中随附的工具。要使用 MakeCAB.exe 来创建 .cab 文件,请执行以下步骤:

为 makecab.exe 创建一个定向文件,然后以 .ddf 扩展名保存该文件。下面的示例定向文件(名为 sample.ddf)为一个简单的 Web 部件库项目创建了一个 .cab 文件

;*** Sample Source Code MakeCAB Directive file example
.OPTION EXPLICIT ; Generate errors
.Set CabinetNameTemplate=SampleCab.cab
.set diskDirectoryTemplate=CDROM ; All cabinets go in a single directory
.Set CompressionType=MSZIP;** All files are compressed in cabinet files
.Set UniqueFiles="OFF"
.Set Cabinet=on
.Set diskDirectory1=SAMPLECAB.CAB
;*** <the end>

将您希望包含在 .cab 文件中的所有文件复制到创建 .ddf 文件的目录中。在本例中,这些文件是 Manifest.xml 文件、WebPart1.dwp 文件和 WebPartLibrary1.dll 文件

打开一个命令提示符,转到包含 .ddf 文件以及您希望包含在 .cab 文件中的文件的目录,然后运行以下命令:

Makecab.exe /F sample.ddf

MakeCAB.exe 创建一个名为 SAMPLECAB.CAB 的目录,然后在该目录中创建一个名为 SampleCab.cab 的 .cab 文件,其中包含 Sample.ddf 定向文件中列出的三个文件

有关 MakeCAB.exe 的详细信息,请下载 Microsoft Cabinet Software Development Kit。

用本地化资源创建 CAB 文件
Visual Studio 不支持创建包含内部目录的 .cab 文件。但是,本地化的 Web 部件可能需要一个包含内部目录的 .cab 文件。因此,您必须使用一个 MakeCAB.exe 之类的工具或其他第三方 CAB 实用工具来部署本地化的 Web 部件。

下面的示例描述如何为一个名为 SampleWebPartLibrary 的英语 Web 部件项目(该项目同时还提供德语本地化资源)创建 .cab 文件。本例中的 .cab 文件名为 Sample.cab,它必须包含下列文件








要为该示例 Web 部件项目创建 .cab 文件,请执行以下步骤:

创建适当的 Manifest.xml 文件。下面的示例显示 Sample.cab 文件的 Manifest.xml 文件

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<Assembly FileName="SampleWebPartLibrary.dll">
<ClassResource FileName="image1.gif"/>
<ClassResource FileName="help.htm"/>
<ClassResource FileName="de-DE/image1.gif"/>
<ClassResource FileName="de-DE/help.htm"/>
<SafeControl Namespace="SampleWebPartLibrary"
<DwpFile FileName="WebPart1.dwp"/>
<DwpFile FileName="de-DE/WebPart1.dwp"/>

创建适当的 Makecab.exe 定向文件。下面的示例显示 Sample.cab 文件的定向文件

;*** Sample Source Code MakeCAB Directive file example
.OPTION EXPLICIT ; Generate errors
.Set CabinetNameTemplate=Sample.cab
.set diskDirectoryTemplate=CDROM ; All cabinets go in a single
.Set CompressionType=MSZIP ;** All files are compressed in cabinet
.Set UniqueFiles="OFF"
.Set Cabinet=on
.Set diskDirectory1=SAMPLE.CAB
Set DestinationDir=de-DE
;*** <the end>

将您希望包含在 .cab 文件中的所有文件复制到创建 .ddf 文件的目录中,并将所有的本地化资源复制到相应的子目录中。下面的示例显示 Sample.cab 文件的目录结构:

/Directory with directive file

打开一个命令提示符,转到包含 .ddf 文件以及您希望包含在 .cab 文件中的文件的目录,然后运行以下命令,以便在 Sample.cab 文件中创建一个子目录,并为部署准备 Sample.cab 文件

Makecab.exe /F sample.ddf

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How to deploy a .Net assmebly for COM use through CAB on Web Page

To create a .Net assembly which will be used by COM clients:

1. Create a VB.Net Class Library named “ClassLibraryVBActiveX”. Use the following code for the project:

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
<GuidAttribute("BC2E2273-E3D8-4AEA-8A4F-799574803D89"),ProgIdAttribute("ClassLibraryVBActiveX.Class1")> _
Public Class Class1
Public Function Hello() As String
Return "Hello World!"
End Function
End Class

Please keep a note of the GUID. We will use it later.

2. Right click the class library project in the Solution Explorer and select “Properties”. This will open the Property Pages of the class library project. Under the category “Configuration Properties” | “Build”,check the check Box “Register for COM Interop”.

3. Build the class library project.

To create a Setup project for the class library:

4. Right-click the solution in the Solution Explorer and select “Add” | “New Project”. Select “Setup Project” and name it as “ActiveXInstaller”.

5. Add the “Primary output” of the class library to the Setup project.

6. Build the Setup project. We should see that “ClassLibraryVBActiveX.dll” and “ClassLibraryVBActiveX.tlb” have been built into the Setup project.

To build the CAB file for the Setup project:

7. Extract the ZIP attached and save the files to a temporary folder.

<Attachment is
not available>

We have the following 5 files:

makecab.exe – The utility for building CABs. The utility can typically be found in “System32”.

Installer.inf – The Inf file for the CAB file. It has the following contents:

[Setup Hooks]

run= msiexec /i %EXTRACT_DIR%/ActiveXInstaller.msi /qn

; This section is required for compatibility on both Windows 95 and Windows NT.

Here “run” specifies the command we would like to run after IE extracts the CAB. The command line will install the MSI “ActiveXInstaller.msi” under silent mode. You may refer to the following links for more details about the format of INF:

About INF File Architecture
http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/workshop/delivery/download/overview/infarchitecture.asp?frame=true Cab.DDF – a text file with the following contents: .OPTION EXPLICIT .Set Cabinet=on .Set Compress=on .Set MaxdiskSize=CDROM .Set ReservePerCabinetSize=6144 .Set diskDirectoryTemplate="." .Set CompressionType=MSZIP .Set CompressionLevel=7 .Set CompressionMemory=21 .Set CabinetNameTemplate="ActiveX.CAB" "Installer.inf" "ActiveXInstaller.msi" This file is a directive file for the “MakeCAB.exe” utility. “ActiveX.CAB” is the output name of the CAB. The last two lines indicate the two files we would like to include into the CAB. Make.bat – a batch file that will run the following command to build the CAB: MAKECAB.EXE /f "Cab.DDF" TestPage.htm – a template HTML that will install the CAB: <HTML> <BODY> <OBJECT ID="ClassLibraryVBActiveX" CLASSID="CLSID:BC2E2273-E3D8-4AEA-8A4F-799574803D89" CODEBASE="ActiveX.CAB#version=1,0"> </OBJECT> </BODY> </HTML> Note that the GUID should match the GUID in our VB.Net code. 8. To use these files,please copy output MSI of the Setup project (e.g. “ActiveXInstaller.msi”) to the same folder as the files above. Then double-click “Make.bat” to build the CAB. 9. copy the CAB as well as “TestPage.htm” to a web folder and test it. Note that this approach also provides a way for the end user to uninstall the assembly. We can remove it by “Add/Remove Programs” applet.

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