
Smart Wrap在Vim



    <a href="http://www.example.com">
        This is a bogus link,used to demonstrate
an example


    <a href="somelink">
        This is a bogus link,used to demonstrate
        an example
功能已作为修补程序7.4.338的 implemented on June 25,2014。接下来是几个补丁细化功能,最后一个是7.4.354,所以这是你会想要的版本。
:help breakindent
:help breakindentopt


'breakindent'     'bri'   boolean (default off)
                          local to window
                          {not in Vi}
                          {not available when compiled without the |+linebreak|
        Every wrapped line will continue visually indented (same amount of
        space as the beginning of that line),thus preserving horizontal blocks
        of text.

'breakindentopt' 'briopt' string (default empty)
                          local to window
                          {not in Vi}
                          {not available when compiled without the |+linebreak|
        Settings for 'breakindent'. It can consist of the following optional
        items and must be seperated by a comma:
                  min:{n}     Minimum text width that will be kept after
                              applying 'breakindent',even if the resulting
                              text should normally be narrower. This prevents
                              text indented almost to the right window border
                              occupying lot of vertical space when broken.
                  shift:{n}   After applying 'breakindent',wrapped line
                              beginning will be shift by given number of
                              characters. It permits dynamic french paragraph
                              indentation (negative) or emphasizing the line
                              continuation (positive).
                  sbr         display the 'showbreak' value before applying the 
                              additional indent.
        The default value for min is 20 and shift is 0.

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