var app = getApp(); const _JulijiaUrl = require('../../utils/baseurl'); const requestUtil = require('../../utils/httpHelper'); var GetList = function (that) { var page = that.data.page; var p = page[that.data.currentTab]; var typeid = that.data.typedata[that.data.currentTab].id; requestUtil.httpGet(_JulijiaUrl.julijia_newslistpage, { page: p, typeid: typeid }, function (res) { var Pagelist = that.data.listdatat; for (var i = 0; i < res.length; i++) { Pagelist[that.data.currentTab].data.push(res[i]); } p++; page[that.data.currentTab] = p; that.setData({ listdatat: Pagelist, page: page }); }); } Page({ data: { /** * 页面配置 */ winWidth: 0, winHeight: 0, // tab切换 currentTab: 0, typedata:'', listdatat:'', page:[], typeid:'', }, onLoad: function () { var that = this; /** * 获取系统信息 */ wx.getSystemInfo({ success: function (res) { that.setData({ winWidth: res.windowWidth, winHeight: res.windowHeight }); } }); /** * 请求回调 这里根据自己封装 */ requestUtil.httpGet(_JulijiaUrl.julijia_newslist, {}, function (res) { /** * 设置分页参数 */ var page = that.data.page; for (var p = 0; p < res.typeData.length; p++) { page.push(2); } that.setData({ typedata: res.typeData, listdatat: res.listDta, typeid: res.typeData[0].id }); }); }, /** * 滑动切换tab */ bindChange: function (e) { var that = this; that.setData({ currentTab: e.detail.current, typeid: e.target.id }); }, /** * 点击tab切换 */ swichNav: function (e) { var that = this; if (this.data.currentTab === e.target.dataset.current) { return false; } else { that.setData({ currentTab: e.target.dataset.current, }); } that.setData({ typeid: e.target.dataset.id }); }, /** * 绑定下拉加载 */ bindDownLoad:function(e) { var that = this; GetList(that); },});
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