
13-unit-2 Art and creativity

Lession 1 Describing visual art you like

1.1 Types of visual art视觉艺术的类型

painting:A picture made using paints(watercolors,oils,etc)油画
drawing a picture made using a pen,pencil or charcoal素描
sculpture a work of art that is a solid figure or object雕塑
photograph a picture that is made by using a camera or phone 照片
graphic design the effective combination of text and images,often to convey a message.平面设计
industrial design the conception and planning of objects that are to be mass-produced
architecture the art and science of designing buildings and other structures.建筑学
ceramics objects made from clay or other materials and baked with extreme heat 陶学
crafts art and other objects made by hand 手工艺

1.A drawing is usually done with pen,pencil or charcoal.素描通常用钢笔,铅笔或木炭画
2.A sculpture is often made of stone or Metal.
3.Geramics can be pottery made of hardened clay.陶瓷可以是由硬化的粘土制成陶器
4.Graphic design communicates an idea using words and images.平面设计用图像和文字传达想法
5.Design for products to be mass-produced is called industrial design.为可大量生产的产品做的设计称为工业设计
6.Crafts include quilts,woodworking and pottery.手工业包括棉被,木工和陶器。
7.Every period of history in every culture has a distinct architecture.每一段文化中的每一段历史都有一种独特的建筑。

1.2 Critiquing art评判艺术 DAIJ

1.2.1 Description

8.It's popularly kNown as 'The Scream' and was painted by Edvard Munch.
9.We see a man on a bridge. His hands are raised up to his face.

1.2.2 Analysis

10.The bold streaks of yellow stand out against the deep blue background.大胆的黄色条纹在深蓝色的背景下非常跳跃。
11.The lines of the sky are a sharp contrast to the straight lines of the bridge.天空的线条与桥梁的直线形成鲜明的对比。

1.2.3 Interpretation解释

12.The major themes are loneliness and isolation.主要的主题是寂寞和孤独
13.He's conveying chaos and emotional intensity.他在表达混乱和情绪的紧张
14.The paninting evokes a sense of panic.这幅画唤起了一种恐慌

1.2.4 Judgment

15.It gives me a feeling of this man's terror,but also his lonliness.
16.I think it works because the artist has evoked such an emotional response.他让我感到这个人的恐惧,但也有他的孤独。

1.3 Talking about art

Lession 2 Reading for enjoyment

2.1 Reading experientially体验性阅读

2.2 Inferring推断

2.3 Book discussions书籍讨论

1.What drew me in were the characters' inner thoughts.吸引我的是人物内心的想法
2.I was expecting an easy read,but the book was hard.我本以为很容易看懂的,但书很难
3.I had thought it would be uplifting,but it was depressing.我原以为它会是令人振奋的,但它是令人沮丧的
4.It reminds me of the novel,'The martian.'这让我想起了小说,火星人
5.I can relate to the story beacuse of my grandparents.
6.I was fascinated by how the author used imagery.

Lession 3 Writing descriptively

3.1 Descriptions


3.2 Adjectives and adverbs形容词和副词

形容词 = 名词+ous
danger - dangerous
caution - cautious
+able or +ible 表达有某个特性或某事物可能的
afford - affordable
flex - flexible
fear - fearful充满恐惧的

Lession 4 Solving problems creatively


a comfort zone舒适区
fresh perspectives新鲜视角
mind maps思维导图
visualize ideas将想法可视化
central concept中心概念


1.How about a stand-up meeting?
2.If you sak me. I think we ought to postpone it.推迟
3.The obvIoUs solution is to cancel the order.
4.What I would suggest would be to run a trial.试验一下
5.Another option would be to test different styles.
6.What do you think of using the cafeteria?自助餐厅
7.I tend to agree with his suggestion.
8.That's a good idea,but what about budget?
9.Another option would be to meet earlier.
10.I'm not sure that would work. Perhaps we Could change the day.


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