
电子邮件 – 通过卫星加速Windows XP上的Outlook Express


We use outlook express (on a pc running windows XP) and a 9600 baud dial up satellite phone modem to get our email direct from the server in Paris. As this is a very expensive way to communicate (our satellite bill is > $50K a year,no joke),it seems like trying to streamline is a good idea.

Here’s the question- when we connect,the sequence goes:

  1. Send outBox mails. This goes pretty quickly,probably 10-15 seconds for each email,up to maybe a couple minutes for an email of 150k or so). The status bar moves pretty quickly,according to the emails sent.

  2. The system then says “Checking for new messages on (our account name),and “Receiving list of messages from server”. This takes a long time. Like 10-15 minutes. The status bar crawls along.

  3. Then it receives the messages. “Receiving messages from server”. Again,each message takes 10-15 seconds,and this part moves along reasonably fast.

I’m curIoUs as to what is going on in the second part. It takes forever,and doesn’t seem to be part of the sending or receiving messages themselves. Is there a way to speed up the process by changing a preference with communicating with the server or something?

有没有人对他有任何建议加快Outlook Express正在做什么?显然他的软件很古老,根据连接速度添加更多软件是不现实的.


我猜这个问题是邮件是通过pop3检索的,但是一旦下载就不会从服务器中删除.每次outlook express连接时,都必须先下载邮箱的索引,然后才能知道应该下载哪些邮件.如果永远不会删除邮件,那么索引只会增长.

Outlook Express可以选择删除超过x天的邮件,或删除所有下载的邮件.删除所有这些对于提高效率最有效,但丢失消息的风险更高.在任何一种情况下,如果计算机死机,则消息完全丢失,除非ISP具有某种备份.


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