
windows-server-2003 – Windows 7不遵守DHCP的首选路由器顺序

003 Router   Array of router addresses ordered by preference

目前我们分配了2个路由器,我们的主要和备份使用不同(较慢)的互联网连接.在此设置下运行的Windows XP一切正常.

我们最近开始测试Windows 7(RTM)客户端,因为在可用时开始部署新操作系统的压力很大.问题是它不尊重在DHCP中推送的“首选订单”.虽然路由表显示它的设置与XP客户端上的路由表一样,但它使用第二个网关而不是第一个网关.到目前为止,使用第一种方法的唯一方法是手动运行route CHANGE命令,将第一个网关的度量值设置为较低的值.由于这必须以提升的用户身份完成,因此这将是有问题的.

这只是Windows 7中的一个错误,还是我们无法找到其他一些DHCP选项,这也会让我们推出每个网关的指标?

不确定这是否是Windows XP / 2003特定的,但我敢打赌,这可能会帮助你…

如果这对您没有帮助,id建议创建一个在启动时运行的脚本并设置一个持久路由(route -p …)



Default route metric

TCP/IP for Windows XP and Windows
Server 2003 by default automatically
calculates a metric for the default
route that is based on the speed of
the adapter to which the default
gateway is configured. For example,
for a 100 megabit per second (Mbps)
Ethernet adapter,the default route
metric is set to 20. For a 10 Mbps
Ethernet adapter,the default route
metric is set to 30.

To override this behavior for DHCP-assigned default gateways,use the Default Router Metric Base Microsoft-specific DHCP option. To override this behavior for manually configured default gateways,clear the Automatic metric check Box on the TCP/IP Gateway Address dialog Box for the configured default gateways on the IP Settings tab in the advanced properties of the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). The TCP/IP Gateway Address dialog Box is shown in the following figure.

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