
xml – 经典asp中的System.Net.HttpWebRequest?


   Class: HttpRequest
       Object encapsulates the process of making an HTTP Request.

      url - The gtarget url
      data - Any paramaters which are required by the request.
      method - Whether to send the request as POST or GET
      options - async (true|false): should we send this asyncronously (fire and forget) or should we wait and return the data we get back? Default is false

      Returns the result of the request in text format.


var HttpRequest = function( url,data,method,options  )
    options = options ? options : { "async" : false };
    options[ "async" ] = options["async"] ? true : false;

    var text = "";
    data = data ? data : "";
    method = method ? String( method ).toupperCase() : "POST";

    // Make the request
    var objXmlHttp = new ActiveXObject( "MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP" );
    objXmlHttp.setoption( 2,13056 ); // Ignore all SSL errors

    try {
        objXmlHttp.open( method,url,options[ "async" ] ); // Method,URL,Async?
    catch (e)
        text = "Open operation Failed: " + e.description;

    objXmlHttp.setTimeouts( 30000,30000,30000 );   // Timeouts in ms for parts of communication: resolve,connect,send (per packet),receive (per packet)
    try {
        if ( method == "POST" ) {
            objXmlHttp.setRequestHeader( "Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded" );

        objXmlHttp.send( data );

        if ( options[ "async" ] ) {
            return "";

        text = objXmlHttp.responseText;

    } catch(e) {
        text = "Send data Failed: " + e.description;

    // Did we get a "200 OK" status?
    if ( objXmlHttp.status != 200 )
        // Non-OK HTTP response
        text = "Http Error: " + objXmlHttp.Status + " " + Server.HtmlEncode(objXmlHttp.StatusText) + "\nFailed to grab page data from: " + url;

    objXmlHttp = null; // Be nice to the server

    return  text ;



<%@ Language="JScript" %>
<!--#include file="httprequest.asp"-->

var url = "http://www.google.co.uk/search";
var data = "q=the+stone+roses"; // Notice you will need to url encode your values,simply pass them in as a name/value string

Response.Write( HttpRequest( url,"GET" ) );





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