by WebLeOn
Google Sitemap原本是一种全新的xml格式,但是在Sitemap的FAQ里面却有这样一条:
We also support the Open Archives Initiative (OAI) PRotocol for Metadata harvesting, a popular protocol in the library world. If your sitemaps are already available in OAI-PMH version 2.0 format, you are welcome to submit these. We also accept RSS 2.0 and Atom 0.3 syndication Feeds, using the link/lastMod fields.
所以什么?只要直接把你Blog的RSS直接加入Sitemap吧!我已经把这个 里面的RSS 2.0成功加入了。
以上就是Google Sitemap原来支持普通Feed的内容,更多相关内容请关注编程之家(!
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