我们计算压缩程度为(编码文件的大小,以字节为单位)/(时间戳数)* 8.我把时间戳分成两部分’.’之后.整数部分非常恒定,两个整数部分时间戳之间的最大差异为32,因此我使用0-8位对其进行编码.精度部分非常随机,所以我忽略了前导位并使用0-21位写入文件(最大值可以是999999).但我的编码文件的大小为4007674字节,因此压缩为71.05位/ TS.我也写”.以及两个时间戳之间的空格以便稍后解码.如何改进编码文件的大小?
以下是部分数据集的链接 –
以下是差分时间戳值的链接,以微秒为单位 –
最大差异b / w时间戳是 – 32594136微秒.
00 0xxxxx 0 (xxxxx is the number of consecutive zeros) 00 1xxxxx 1 (xxxxx is the number of consecutive ones) 01 xxxxxx xxxxxxxx 2-14 bit values 10 xxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 15-22 bit values 11 xxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 23-30 bit values
在对样本数据进行更多分析之后,我观察到有很多连续0和1的短序列,如0 1 0,所以我用这个替换了1字节的方案:
00xxxxxx 00 = identifies a one-byte value xxxxxx = index in the sequence table
index ~ seq index ~ seq index ~ seq index ~ seq index ~ seq index ~ seq 0 0 2 00 6 000 14 0000 30 00000 62 000000 1 1 3 01 7 001 15 0001 31 00001 63 000001 4 10 8 010 16 0010 32 00010 5 11 ... ... ... 11 101 27 1101 59 11101 12 110 28 1110 60 11110 13 111 29 1111 61 11111
Store the first timestamp (8 bytes),then store the intervals as either: 00 iiiiii sequences of up to 5 (or 6) zeros or ones 01 XXxxxx xxxxxxxx 2-12 bit values (2 ~ 4,095) 10 XXxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 13-20 bit values (4,096 ~ 1,048,575) 11 XXxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 21-28 bit values (1,576 ~ 268,435,455) iiiiii = index in sequence table (see above) XX = preceded by a zero (if XX=1),a one (if XX=2) or two zeros (if XX=3) xxx... = 12,20 or 28 bit value
#include <stdint.h> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; void write_timestamp(ofstream& ofile,uint64_t timestamp) { // big-endian uint8_t bytes[8]; for (int i = 7; i >= 0; i--,timestamp >>= 8) bytes[i] = timestamp; ofile.write((char*) bytes,8); } int main() { ifstream ifile ("timestamps.txt"); if (! ifile.is_open()) return 1; ofstream ofile ("output.bin",ios::trunc | ios::binary); if (! ofile.is_open()) return 2; long double seconds; uint64_t timestamp; if (ifile >> seconds) { timestamp = seconds * 1000000; write_timestamp(ofile,timestamp); } while (! ifile.eof()) { uint8_t bytesize = 0,len = 0,seq = 0,bytes[4]; uint32_t interval; while (bytesize == 0 && ifile >> seconds) { interval = seconds * 1000000 - timestamp; timestamp += interval; if (interval < 2) { seq <<= 1; seq |= interval; if (++len == 5 && seq > 0 || len == 6) bytesize = 1; } else { while (interval >> ++bytesize * 8 + 4); for (uint8_t i = 0; i <= bytesize; i++) { bytes[i] = interval >> (bytesize - i) * 8; } bytes[0] |= (bytesize++ << 6); } } if (len) { if (bytesize > 1 && (len == 1 || len == 2 && seq == 0)) { bytes[0] |= (2 * len + seq - 1) << 4; } else { seq += (1 << len) - 2; ofile.write((char*) &seq,1); } } if (bytesize > 1) ofile.write((char*) bytes,bytesize); } ifile.close(); ofile.close(); return 0; }
#include <stdint.h> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; uint64_t read_timestamp(ifstream& ifile) { // big-endian uint64_t timestamp = 0; uint8_t byte; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) { ifile.read((char*) &byte,1); if (ifile.fail()) return 0; timestamp <<= 8; timestamp |= byte; } return timestamp; } uint8_t read_interval(ifstream& ifile,uint8_t *bytes) { uint8_t bytesize = 1; ifile.read((char*) bytes,1); if (ifile.fail()) return 0; bytesize += bytes[0] >> 6; for (uint8_t i = 1; i < bytesize; i++) { ifile.read((char*) bytes + i,1); if (ifile.fail()) return 0; } return bytesize; } void write_seconds(ofstream& ofile,uint64_t timestamp) { long double seconds = (long double) timestamp / 1000000; ofile << seconds << "\n"; } uint8_t write_sequence(ofstream& ofile,uint8_t seq,uint64_t timestamp) { uint8_t interval = 0,len = 1,offset = 1; while (seq >= (offset <<= 1)) { seq -= offset; ++len; } while (len--) { interval += (seq >> len) & 1; write_seconds(ofile,timestamp + interval); } return interval; } int main() { ifstream ifile ("timestamps.bin",ios::binary); if (! ifile.is_open()) return 1; ofstream ofile ("output.txt",ios::trunc); if (! ofile.is_open()) return 2; ofile.precision(6); ofile << std::fixed; uint64_t timestamp = read_timestamp(ifile); if (timestamp) write_seconds(ofile,timestamp); while (! ifile.eof()) { uint8_t bytes[4],bytesize = read_interval(ifile,bytes); uint32_t interval; if (bytesize == 1) { timestamp += write_sequence(ofile,bytes[0],timestamp); } else if (bytesize > 1) { seq = (bytes[0] >> 4) & 3; if (seq) timestamp += write_sequence(ofile,seq - 1,timestamp); interval = bytes[0] & 15; for (uint8_t i = 1; i < bytesize; i++) { interval <<= 8; interval += bytes[i]; } timestamp += interval; write_seconds(ofile,timestamp); } } ifile.close(); ofile.close(); return 0; }
由于我正在使用的MinGW / gcc 4.8.1编译器中的long double output bug,我不得不使用此解决方法:(这对其他编译器来说不是必需的)
void write_seconds(ofstream& ofile,uint64_t timestamp) { long double seconds = (long double) timestamp / 1000000; ofile << "1" << (double) (seconds - 1000000000) << "\n"; }
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