
Visual Studio 2010 / ASP.NET项目/ ASP.NET开发服务器

我可以从我的开发计算机(VS2010运行)运行和调试我的VS2010 ASP.NET项目.网址:http://localhost:port/MyApp.htm工作正常.


令我惊讶的是,这不起作用,既不是来自IPad也不是开发者.电脑本身.这不是连接的问题,地址是正确的/ ping是可能的.

(请注意,我没有在这台机器上安装IIS,实际上ASP.NET应用程序是纯HTML JS,我使用VS2010进行调试.)



Visual Studio开发服务器只会向本地机器提供页面:

Web Servers in Visual Web Developer

If you cannot or do not want to use IIS as your Web server,you can
still test your ASP.NET pages by using the ASP.NET Development Server.
The ASP.NET Development Server,which is included with Visual Web
Developer,is a Web server that runs locally on Windows operating
systems,including Windows XP Home Edition. It is specifically built
to serve,or run,ASP.NET Web pages under the local host scenario
(browsing from the same computer as the Web server). In other words,
the ASP.NET Development Server will serve pages to browser requests on
the local computer. It will not serve pages to another computer.

Additionally,it will not serve files that are outside of the
application scope. The ASP.NET Development Server provides an
efficient way to test pages locally before you publish the pages to a
production server running IIS.

The ASP.NET Development Server only
accepts authenticated requests on the local computer
. This requires
that the server can support NTLM or Basic authentication.

如果您希望远程测试页面,您将需要使用IIS或IIS Express.

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判断URL文件是不是在于在。private static bool UrlIsExist(string url){ System.Uri u = null; try { u = new Uri(url); } catch { return false; } bool isExist = false;
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1. install all features in IIS2. Try the following steps to register it.run %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.21006\aspnet_regiis.exe -i或运行,跳出如下错误
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.NET Core 在其上下文中,该请求的地址无效。 看了端口,发现没被占用,后来发现是IP地址变了 改成正确的IP就可以了。
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