

我有一个尺寸为3x3x3的体素(np.array),其中填充了一些值,此设置对我来说至关重要。我想要它的旋转不变表示。对于这种情况,我决定尝试PCA表示,该表示被认为是invariant to orthogonal transformationsanother



import numpy as np

voxel1 = np.random.normal(size=(3,3,3))
voxel2 =  np.transpose(voxel1,(1,2)) #np.rot90(voxel1) #

basis = []
for i in range(3):
    for j in range(3):
        for k in range(3):
            basis.append([i+1,j+1,k+1]) # avoid 0
basis = np.array(basis)

voxel1 = voxel1.reshape((27,1))
voxel2 = voxel2.reshape((27,1))

voxel1 = voxel1*basis # weighted basis vectors
voxel2 = voxel2*basis


def pca(x):
    center = np.mean(x,0)
    x = x - center

    cov = np.cov(x.T) / x.shape[0]

    e_values,e_vectors = np.linalg.eig(cov)

    order = np.argsort(e_values)

    v = e_vectors[:,order].transpose()

    return x.dot(v)

vp1 = pca(voxel1)
vp2 = pca(voxel2)




>>> np.abs(np.abs(vp1)-np.abs(vp2)) > 0.01
array([[False,False,False],[False,[ True,True,True],False]])



UPD:Found the question similar to mine,但代码不可用


import numpy as np

# https://github.com/smparker/orient-molecule/blob/master/orient.py

voxel1 = np.random.normal(size=(3,2))

voxel1 = voxel1.reshape((27,))
voxel2 = voxel2.reshape((27,))

basis = []
for i in range(3):
    for j in range(3):
        for k in range(3):
            basis.append([i+1,k+1]) # avoid 0
basis = np.array(basis)
basis = basis - np.mean(basis,axis=0)

def rotate_func(data,mass):

    #mass = [ masses[n.lower()] for n in geom.names ]

    inertial_tensor = -np.einsum("ax,a,ay->xy",data,mass,data)
    # negate sign to reverse the sorting of the tensor
    eig,axes = np.linalg.eigh(-inertial_tensor)
    axes = axes.T

    # adjust sign of axes so third moment moment is positive new in X,and Y axes
    testcoords = np.dot(data,axes.T) # a little wasteful,but fine for now
    thirdmoment = np.einsum("ax,a->x",testcoords**3,mass)

    for i in range(2):
        if thirdmoment[i] < 1.0e-6:
            axes[i,:] *= -1.0

    # rotation matrix must have determinant of 1
    if np.linalg.det(axes) < 0.0:
        axes[2,:] *= -1.0

    return axes

axes1 = rotate_func(basis,voxel1)
v1 = np.dot(basis,axes1.T)
axes2 = rotate_func(basis,voxel2)
v2 = np.dot(basis,axes2.T)



print(np.abs(np.abs(v1)-np.abs(v2)) > 0.01)

[[False False False]
 [False False False]
 [False False False]
 [ True  True  True]
 [ True  True  True]
 [ True  True  True]
 [ True  True  True]
 [False False False]
 [ True  True  True]
 [ True  True  True]
 [ True  True  True]
 [ True  True  True]
 [False False False]
 [False False False]
 [False False False]
 [ True  True  True]
 [ True  True  True]
 [ True  True  True]
 [ True  True  True]
 [False False False]
 [ True  True  True]
 [ True  True  True]
 [ True  True  True]
 [ True  True  True]
 [False False False]
 [False False False]
 [False False False]]


UPD:尝试从这24个向量中选择3个向量作为新的基础-一个向量的范数最大,一个向量的最小积和叉积。将它们组合到矩阵V中,然后使用公式V ^(-1)* X变换坐标,并遇到相同的问题-对于旋转的体素,所得向量集不相等。


根据meTchaikovsky提供的答案和参考,发现other answers,我们和我的朋友一起得出的结论是,上述分子包装中的rotate_func试图发明一些计算符号的惯例。组件。他们的解决方案尝试将第三个轴的第三个力矩用作最后一个轴的行列式(?)。我们尝试了另一种方法,并成功使一半的表示形式匹配:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Oct 16 11:40:30 2020

@author: Dima

import numpy as np
from numpy.random import randn
from numpy import linalg as la
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R

rotate_mat = lambda theta: np.array([[np.cos(theta),-np.sin(theta),0.],[np.sin(theta),np.cos(theta),[0.,0.,1.]])

def pca(feat,x):
    # pca with attemt to create convention on sign changes
    x_c =x- np.mean(x,axis=0)
    x_f= feat*x
    x_f-= np.mean(x_f,axis=0)
    cov = np.cov(x_f.T)
    e_values,e_vectors = np.linalg.eig(cov)

    order = np.argsort(e_values)[::-1]
    v = e_vectors[:,order]
    v= v/np.sign(v[0,:])
        v= -v
    return x_c @ v

def standardize(x):
    # take vector with biggest norm,with smallest and thir cross product as basis
    x -= np.mean(x,axis=0)
    nrms= la.norm(x,axis=1)
    imin= argmin(nrms)
    imax= argmax(nrms)
    vec1= x[imin,:]
    vec2= x[imax,:]
    vec3= np.cross(vec1,vec2)
    Smat= np.stack([vec1,vec2,vec3],axis=0)
        Smat= -Smat


angles = np.linspace(0.0,90.0,91)
voxel1 = np.random.normal(size=(3,3))    
res = []
for angle in angles:

    voxel2 = voxel1.copy()
    voxel1 = voxel1.reshape(27,1)
    voxel2 = voxel2.reshape(27,1)
    basis1 = np.array([[i+1,k+1] for k in range(3) for j in range(3) for i in range(3)]).astype(np.double)
    basis1 = basis1+1e-4*randn(27,3) # perturbation
    basis2 = basis1 @rotate_mat(np.deg2rad(angle))
    #voxel1 = voxel1*basis1
    #voxel2 = voxel2*basis2

    #print(angle,(np.abs(pca(voxel1) - pca(voxel2) )))
    #gg= np.abs(standardize(basis1) - standardize(basis2) )
    gg= np.abs(pca(voxel1,basis1) - pca(voxel1,basis2) )
    ss= np.sum(np.ravel(gg))
    bl= np.all(gg<1e-4) 
    #res.append(np.all(np.abs(pca(voxel1) - pca(voxel2) < 1e-6)))
    del basis1,basis2


0.0 0.0 True
1.0 1.1103280567106161e-13 True
2.0 5.150139890290964e-14 True
3.0 8.977126225544196e-14 True
4.0 5.57341699240722e-14 True
5.0 4.205149954378956e-14 True
6.0 3.7435437643664957e-14 True
7.0 1.2943967187158123e-13 True
8.0 5.400185371573149e-14 True
9.0 8.006410204958181e-14 True
10.0 7.777189536904011e-14 True
11.0 5.992073021576436e-14 True
12.0 6.3716122222085e-14 True
13.0 1.0120048110065158e-13 True
14.0 1.4193029076233626e-13 True
15.0 5.32774440341853e-14 True
16.0 4.056702432878251e-14 True
17.0 6.52062429116855e-14 True
18.0 1.3237663595853556e-13 True
19.0 8.950259695710006e-14 True
20.0 1.3795067925438317e-13 True
21.0 7.498727794307339e-14 True
22.0 8.570866862371226e-14 True
23.0 8.961510590826412e-14 True
24.0 1.1839169916779899e-13 True
25.0 1.422193407555868e-13 True
26.0 6.578778015788652e-14 True
27.0 1.0042963537887101e-13 True
28.0 8.438153062569065e-14 True
29.0 1.1299103064863272e-13 True
30.0 8.192453876745831e-14 True
31.0 1.2618492405483406e-13 True
32.0 4.9237819394886296e-14 True
33.0 1.0971028569666842e-13 True
34.0 1.332138304559801e-13 True
35.0 5.280024600049296e-14 True




因此,当我们实现“基本”旋转的不变性时,该问题应该已经解决:现在,当我们修复“基本”旋转并使用旋转的体素时,结果必须是不变的。令人惊讶的是,事实并非如此。在这里,我使用base2 = basis1(除了小扰动)检查了立方体的24次旋转:

import scipy.ndimage

def pca(feat,x):

    # pca with attemt to create convention on sign changes
    x_c = x - np.mean(x,axis=0)
    x_f = feat * x
    x_f -= np.mean(x_f,e_vectors = np.linalg.eig(cov)
    order = np.argsort(e_values)[::-1]
    v = e_vectors[:,order]

    # here is the solution,we switch the sign of the projections
    # so that the projection with the largest absolute value along a principal axis is positive
    proj = x_c @ v
    asign = np.sign(proj)
    max_ind = np.argmax(np.abs(proj),axis=0)[None,:]
    sign = np.take_along_axis(asign,max_ind,axis=0)
    proj = proj * sign

    return proj

def rotate_3d(image1,alpha,beta,gamma):
    # z
    # The rotation angle in degrees.
    image2 = scipy.ndimage.rotate(image1,mode='nearest',axes=(0,1),reshape=False)

    # rotate along y-axis
    image3 = scipy.ndimage.rotate(image2,2),reshape=False)

    # rotate along x-axis
    image4 = scipy.ndimage.rotate(image3,gamma,axes=(1,reshape=False)
    return image4

voxel10 = np.random.normal(size=(3,3))

angles = [[x,y,z] for x in [-90,90] for y in [-90,90] for z in [-90,90]]
res = []
for angle in angles:

    voxel2 = rotate_3d(voxel10,angle[0],angle[1],angle[2])
    voxel1 = voxel10.reshape(27,1)

    basis1 = np.array([[i+1,k+1] for k in range(3) for j in range(3) for i in range(3)]).astype(np.double)

    basis1 += 1e-4*np.random.normal(size=(27,1)) # perturbation
    basis2 = basis1
    original_diff = np.sum(np.abs(basis1-basis2))
    gg= np.abs(pca(voxel1,basis1) - pca(voxel2,basis2))
    ss= np.sum(np.ravel(gg))
    bl= np.all(gg<1e-4)
    print('difference before pca %.3f,' % original_diff,'difference after pca %.3f' % ss,bl)

    del basis1,basis2

print('correct for %.1f percent of time' % (100*(np.sum(res) / len(res))))

difference before pca 0.000,difference after pca 45.738 False
difference before pca 0.000,difference after pca 12.157 False
difference before pca 0.000,difference after pca 26.257 False
difference before pca 0.000,difference after pca 37.128 False
difference before pca 0.000,difference after pca 52.131 False
difference before pca 0.000,difference after pca 45.436 False
difference before pca 0.000,difference after pca 42.226 False
difference before pca 0.000,difference after pca 18.959 False
difference before pca 0.000,difference after pca 38.888 False
difference before pca 0.000,difference after pca 50.613 False
difference before pca 0.000,difference after pca 52.132 False
difference before pca 0.000,difference after pca 0.000 True
difference before pca 0.000,difference after pca 52.299 False

这里base1 = basis2(因此pca = 0之前的基差),对于(0,0)旋转,您可以看到0。但是旋转的体素会产生不同的结果。万一scipy做错了事,我已经用numpy.rot90检查了方法,结果相同:

rot90 = np.rot90

def rotations24(polycube):
    # imagine shape is pointing in axis 0 (up)

    # 4 rotations about axis 0
    yield from rotations4(polycube,0)

    # rotate 180 about axis 1,now shape is pointing down in axis 0
    # 4 rotations about axis 0
    yield from rotations4(rot90(polycube,2,axis=1),0)

    # rotate 90 or 270 about axis 1,now shape is pointing in axis 2
    # 8 rotations about axis 2
    yield from rotations4(rot90(polycube,2)
    yield from rotations4(rot90(polycube,-1,2)

    # rotate about axis 2,now shape is pointing in axis 1
    # 8 rotations about axis 1
    yield from rotations4(rot90(polycube,axis=2),1)
    yield from rotations4(rot90(polycube,1)

def rotations4(polycube,axis):
    """List the four rotations of the given cube about the given axis."""
    for i in range(4):
        yield rot90(polycube,i,axis)

def rot90(m,k=1,axis=2):
    """Rotate an array k*90 degrees in the counter-clockwise direction around the given axis"""
    m = np.swapaxes(m,axis)
    m = np.rot90(m,k)
    m = np.swapaxes(m,axis)
    return m

voxel10 = np.random.normal(size=(3,3))

gen = rotations24(voxel10)

res = []
for voxel2 in gen:

    #voxel2 = rotate_3d(voxel10,1)) # perturbation
    basis2 = basis1

    original_diff = np.sum(np.abs(basis1-basis2))
    gg= np.abs(pca(voxel1,basis2

print('correct for %.1f percent of time' % (100*(np.sum(res) / len(res))))


voxel1 = np.ones((3,3))
voxel1[0,0] = 0 # if I change 0 to 0.5 it stops working at all

# mirrored around diagonal
voxel2 = np.ones((3,3))
voxel2[2,2] = 0

for angle in range(1):

    voxel1 = voxel1.reshape(27,1) 

    basis1 = np.array([[i+1,k+1] for k in range(3) for j in range(3) for i in range(3)]).astype(np.double)

    basis1 = basis1 + 1e-4 * randn(27,3) # perturbation
    basis2 = basis1

# If perturbation is used we have 

# difference before pca 0.000,difference after pca 0.000 True
# correct for 100.0 percent of time

# eigenvalues for both voxels
# [1.03417495 0.69231107 0.69235402]
# [0.99995368 0.69231107 0.69235402]

# If no perturbation applied for basis,difference is present

# difference before pca 0.000,difference after pca 55.218 False
# correct for 0.0 percent of time

# eignevalues for both voxels (always have 1.):
# [0.69230769 1.03418803 0.69230769]
# [1.         0.69230769 0.69230769]





indices = np.arange(27)
indices3d = indices.reshape((3,3))
voxel10 = np.random.normal(size=(3,3))
assert voxel10[0,1,2] == voxel10.ravel()[indices3d[0,2]]


gen = rotations24(indices3d)

res = []
for ind2 in gen:

    basis1 = np.array([[i+1,k+1] for k in range(3) for j in range(3) for i in range(3)]).astype(np.double)
    voxel1 = voxel10.copy().reshape(27,1) #np.array([voxel10[i,j,k] for k in range(3) for j in range(3) for i in range(3)])[...,np.newaxis]

    voxel2 = voxel1[ind2.reshape(27,)]

    basis1 += 1e-4*np.random.normal(size=(27,1)) # perturbation
    basis2 = basis1[ind2.reshape(27,)]

    original_diff = np.sum(np.abs(basis1-basis2))
    gg= np.abs(pca(voxel1,basis2

print('correct for %.1f percent of time' % (100*(np.sum(res) / len(res))))


difference before pca 0.000,difference after pca 0.000 True
difference before pca 48.006,difference after pca 87.459 False
difference before pca 72.004,difference after pca 70.644 False
difference before pca 48.003,difference after pca 71.930 False
difference before pca 72.004,difference after pca 79.409 False
difference before pca 84.005,difference after pca 36.177 False

编辑5:好的,所以在这里我们至少旋转24圈。最初,我们在pca函数中隐藏了一些逻辑上的变化。在这里,我们将x_c(基本)居中,然后将其忘却,进一步将x_f(功能*基本)居中,并用pca对其进行转换。这可能行不通,因为我们的基础不集中,特征相乘进一步增加了偏差。如果我们首先将x_c居中并乘以特征,一切都会好的。另外,以前我们从proj = x_c @ v计算出的vx_f,在这种情况下是完全错误的,因为x_fx_c围绕不同的中心。

def pca(feat,x):
    # pca with attemt to create convention on sign changes
    x_c = x - np.mean(x,order]
    # here is the solution,we switch the sign of the projections
    # so that the projection with the largest absolute value along a principal axis is positive
    proj = x_f @ v
    return proj


    basis2 = basis1

    original_diff = np.sum(np.abs(basis1-basis2))

    a = pca(voxel1,basis1)
    t1 = a[a[:,0].argsort()]

    a = pca(voxel2,basis2)
    t2 = a[a[:,0].argsort()]

    gg= np.abs(t1-t2)


voxel2 = voxel1[ind2.reshape(27,)] #np.take(voxel10,ind2).reshape(27,1)




import numpy as np
from numpy.random import randn


def pca(feat,x):
    # pca with attemt to create convention on sign changes
    x_c = x - np.mean(x,axis=0)
    x_f = feat * x_c
    cov = np.cov(x_f.T)
    # here is the solution,we switch the sign of the projections
    # so that the projection with the largest absolute value along a principal axis is positive
    proj = x_f @ v
    asign = np.sign(proj)
    max_ind = np.argmax(np.abs(proj),axis=0)
    proj = proj * sign
    return proj

# must be correct https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15230179/how-to-get-the-linear-index-for-a-numpy-array-sub2ind
indices = np.arange(27)
indices3d = indices.reshape((3,2]]

rot90 = np.rot90

def rotations24(polycube):
    # imagine shape is pointing in axis 0 (up)

    # 4 rotations about axis 0
    yield from rotations4(polycube,axis)
    return m

gen = rotations24(indices3d)

res = []

for ind2 in gen:

    basis1 = np.array([[i+1,1)

    voxel2 = voxel1[ind2.reshape(27,1)

    basis1 += 1e-6*np.random.normal(size=(27,1)) # perturbation
    basis2 = basis1

    original_diff = np.sum(np.abs(basis1-basis2))
    a = pca(voxel1,0].argsort()]
    a = pca(voxel2,0].argsort()]
    gg= np.abs(t1-t2)
    ss= np.sum(np.ravel(gg))
    bl= np.all(gg<1e-4)
    print('difference before pca %.3f,basis2

print('correct for %.1f percent of time' % (100*(np.sum(res) / len(res))))
difference before pca 0.000,difference after pca 0.000 True

PS。我想提出一个更好的排序主题,以考虑体素中的零值,当PCA向量的整个第一列为零时,这可能会混淆先前的方法,依此类推。我提议按向量范数排序,再乘以元素总和的符号。这是tensorflow 2代码:

def infer_shape(x):
    x = tf.convert_to_tensor(x)

    # If unknown rank,return dynamic shape
    if x.shape.dims is None:
        return tf.shape(x)

    static_shape = x.shape.as_list()
    dynamic_shape = tf.shape(x)

    ret = []
    for i in range(len(static_shape)):
        dim = static_shape[i]
        if dim is None:
            dim = dynamic_shape[i]

    return ret

def merge_last_two_dims(tensor):
    shape = infer_shape(tensor)
    shape[-2] *= shape[-1]
    shape = shape[:-1]
    return tf.reshape(tensor,shape)

def pca(inpt_voxel):
        patches = tf.extract_volume_patches(inpt_voxel,ksizes=[1,1],strides=[1,padding="VALID")
        features0 = patches[...,tf.newaxis]*basis
        # centered basises
        basis1_ = tf.ones(shape=tf.shape(patches[...,tf.newaxis]),dtype=tf.float32)*basis
        basis1 = basis1_ - tf.math.divide_no_nan(tf.reduce_sum(features0,axis=-2),tf.reduce_sum(patches,axis=-1)[...,None])[:,:,None,:]
        features = patches[...,tf.newaxis]*basis1
        features_centered_basis = features - tf.reduce_mean(features,axis=-2)[:,:]
        x = features_centered_basis
        m = tf.cast(x.get_shape()[-2],tf.float32)
        cov = tf.matmul(x,x,transpose_a=True)/(m - 1)
        e,v = tf.linalg.eigh(cov,name="eigh")
        proj = tf.matmul(x,v,transpose_b=False)
        asign = tf.sign(proj)
        max_ind = tf.argmax(tf.abs(proj),:]
        sign = tf.gather(asign,indices=max_ind,batch_dims=4,axis=-2)
        sign = tf.linalg.diag_part(sign)
        proj = proj * sign
        # But we can have 1st coordinate zero. In this case,# other coordinates become ambiguous
        #s = tf.argsort(proj[...,0],axis=-1)
        # sort by l2 vector norms,multiplied by signs of sums
        sum_signs = tf.sign(tf.reduce_sum(proj,axis=-1))
        norms = tf.norm(proj,axis=-1)
        s = tf.argsort(sum_signs*norms,axis=-1)
        proj = tf.gather(proj,s,axis=-2)
        return merge_last_two_dims(proj)



def pca(x):
    x -= np.mean(x,axis=0)
    cov = np.cov(x.T)
    e_values,e_vectors = np.linalg.eig(cov)

    order = np.argsort(e_values)[::-1]
    v = e_vectors[:,order]
    return x @ v

您不应该转置e_vectors[:,order],因为我们希望v数组的每一列都是一个特征向量,因此,x @ v将是x在这些特征向量上的投影



rotate_mat = lambda theta: np.array([[np.cos(theta),-np.sin(theta),0.],[np.sin(theta),np.cos(theta),[0.,0.,1.]])


basis2 = basis1 @ rotate_mat(np.deg2rad(angle))

现在,您的问题的标题为“为什么我的PCA对旋转和轴交换不是不变的?”,从this post起,PCA结果不是唯一的,您实际上可以运行测试以查看此情况

import numpy as np


rotate_mat = lambda theta: np.array([[np.cos(theta),1.]])

def pca(x):
    x -= np.mean(x,order]
    return x @ v

angles = np.linspace(0,90,91)
res = []
for angle in angles:

    voxel1 = np.random.normal(size=(3,3,3))
    voxel2 = voxel1.copy()
    voxel1 = voxel1.reshape(27,1)
    voxel2 = voxel2.reshape(27,1)
    basis1 = np.array([[i+1,j+1,k+1] for k in range(3) for j in range(3) for i in range(3)])
    # basis2 = np.hstack((-basis1[:,1][:,None],basis1[:,0][:,-basis1[:,2][:,None]))
    basis2 = basis1 @ rotate_mat(np.deg2rad(angle))
    voxel1 = voxel1*basis1
    voxel2 = voxel2*basis2

    print(angle,np.all(np.abs(pca(voxel1) - pca(voxel2) < 1e-6)))
    res.append(np.all(np.abs(pca(voxel1) - pca(voxel2) < 1e-6)))
print(np.sum(res) / len(angles))




但是,基于this post,对于相同的点云,两组特征向量仅在负号之前可以不同。因此,两组特征向量的投影也仅在负号之前不同。实际上,这为我们提供了一种优雅的解决方案,对于沿特征向量(主轴)的投影,我们要做的就是切换投影的符号,以使沿该主轴的绝对值最大的投影为正。 >

import numpy as np
from numpy.random import randn


rotmat_z = lambda theta: np.array([[np.cos(theta),1.]])
rotmat_y = lambda theta: np.array([[np.cos(theta),np.sin(theta)],1.,[-np.sin(theta),np.cos(theta)]])
rotmat_x = lambda theta: np.array([[1.,-np.sin(theta)],np.sin(theta),np.cos(theta)]])
# based on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotation_matrix
rot_mat = lambda alpha,beta,gamma: rotmat_z(alpha) @ rotmat_y(beta) @ rotmat_x(gamma)

deg2rad = lambda alpha,gamma: [np.deg2rad(alpha),np.deg2rad(beta),np.deg2rad(gamma)]

def pca(feat,x):
    # pca with attemt to create convention on sign changes
    x_c = x - np.mean(x,axis=0)
    x_f = feat * x
    x_f -= np.mean(x_f,axis=0)
    cov = np.cov(x_f.T)
    e_values,e_vectors = np.linalg.eig(cov)
    order = np.argsort(e_values)[::-1]
    v = e_vectors[:,order]
    # here is the solution,we switch the sign of the projections
    # so that the projection with the largest absolute value along a principal axis is positive
    proj = x_f @ v
    asign = np.sign(proj)
    max_ind = np.argmax(np.abs(proj),axis=0)[None,:]
    sign = np.take_along_axis(asign,max_ind,axis=0)
    proj = proj * sign
    return proj

ref_angles = np.linspace(0.0,90.0,10)
angles = [[alpha,gamma] for alpha in ref_angles for beta in ref_angles for gamma in ref_angles]

voxel1 = np.random.normal(size=(3,3))
res = []
for angle in angles:

    voxel2 = voxel1.copy()
    voxel1 = voxel1.reshape(27,1)

    basis1 = np.array([[i+1,k+1] for k in range(3) for j in range(3) for i in range(3)]).astype(np.double)
    basis1 = basis1 + 1e-4 * randn(27,3) # perturbation
    basis2 = basis1 @ rot_mat(*deg2rad(*angle))
    original_diff = np.sum(np.abs(basis1-basis2))
    gg= np.abs(pca(voxel1,basis1) - pca(voxel1,basis2))
    ss= np.sum(np.ravel(gg))
    bl= np.all(gg<1e-4)
    print('difference before pca %.3f,' % original_diff,'difference after pca %.3f' % ss,bl)

    del basis1,basis2

print('correct for %.1f percent of time' % (100*(np.sum(res) / len(res))))


回复EDIT 3



image1 = np.linspace(1,100,100).reshape(10,10)
image2 = scipy.ndimage.rotate(image1,45,mode='nearest',axes=(0,1),reshape=False)
image3 = scipy.ndimage.rotate(image2,-45,reshape=False)

fig,ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1,ncols=3,figsize=(12,4))




回复EDIT 4


indices = np.arange(27)
indices3d = indices.reshape((3,3))
# apply rotations to the indices,it is not weights yet
gen = rotations24(indices3d)

# construct the weights
voxel10 = np.random.normal(size=(3,3))

res = []
count = 0
for ind2 in gen:
    count += 1
    # ind2 is the array of indices after rotation
    # reindex the weights with the indices after rotation 
    voxel1 = voxel10.copy().reshape(27,1) 
    voxel2 = voxel1[ind2.reshape(27,)]

    # basis1 is the array of coordinates where the points are
    basis1 = np.array([[i+1,k+1] for k in range(3) for j in range(3) for i in range(3)]).astype(np.double)
    basis1 += 1e-4*np.random.normal(size=(27,1))
    # reindex the coordinates with the indices after rotation
    basis2 = basis1[ind2.reshape(27,)]

    # add a slight modification to pca,return the axes also 
    pca1,v1 = pca(voxel1,basis1)
    pca2,v2 = pca(voxel2,basis2)
    # sort the principal components before comparing them 
    pca1 = np.sort(pca1,axis=0)
    pca2 = np.sort(pca2,axis=0)
    gg= np.abs(pca1 - pca2)
    ss= np.sum(np.ravel(gg))
    bl= np.all(gg<1e-4)
    print('difference after pca %.3f' % ss,bl)
    del basis1,basis2

print('correct for %.1f percent of time' % (100*(np.sum(res) / len(res))))




def pca(feat,x):

    # pca with attemt to create convention on sign changes
    x_c = x - np.mean(x,order]

    # here is the solution,axis=0)
    proj = proj * sign

    return proj


基于此功能pca,此答案的第一部分很容易理解,因为点的索引不变,而我们仅旋转基础。为了理解此答案的第二部分(答复EDIT 5 ),我们必须首先了解函数rotations24。此功能旋转索引而不是点的坐标,因此,如果我们在观察点的位置相同,则会感觉到点的位置已更改。


考虑到这一点,不难理解 回复EDIT 5


num_of_points_per_dim = 10
num_of_points = num_of_points_per_dim ** 3

indices = np.arange(num_of_points)
indices3d = indices.reshape((num_of_points_per_dim,num_of_points_per_dim,num_of_points_per_dim))
voxel10 = 100*np.random.normal(size=(num_of_points_per_dim,num_of_points_per_dim))

gen = rotations24(indices3d)

res = []
for ind2 in gen:

    voxel1 = voxel10.copy().reshape(num_of_points,1)
    voxel2 = voxel1[ind2.reshape(num_of_points,)]

    basis1 = 100*np.random.rand(num_of_points,3)
    basis2 = basis1[ind2.reshape(num_of_points,)]

    pc1 = np.sort(pca(voxel1,basis1),axis=0)
    pc2 = np.sort(pca(voxel2,basis2),axis=0)
    gg= np.abs(pc1-pc2)
    ss= np.sum(np.ravel(gg))
    bl= np.all(gg<1e-4)
    print('difference after pca %.3f' % ss,basis2

print('correct for %.1f percent of time' % (100*(np.sum(res) / len(res))))

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