
Python tensorflow.python.framework.ops 模块-Tensor() 实例源码

Python tensorflow.python.framework.ops 模块,Tensor() 实例源码


项目:A3C    作者:go2sea    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dense(inputs, units, bias_shape, w_i, b_i=None, activation=tf.nn.relu):
    # ??tf.layers?????flatten
    # dense1 = tf.layers.dense(tf.contrib.layers.flatten(relu5),activation=tf.nn.relu,units=50)
    if not isinstance(inputs, ops.Tensor):
        inputs = ops.convert_to_tensor(inputs, dtype='float')
        # dim_list = inputs.get_shape().as_list()
        # flatten_shape = dim_list[1] if len(dim_list) <= 2 else reduce(lambda x,y: x * y,dim_list[1:])
        # reshaped = tf.reshape(inputs,[dim_list[0],flatten_shape])
    if len(inputs.shape) > 2:
        inputs = tf.contrib.layers.flatten(inputs)
    flatten_shape = inputs.shape[1]
    weights = tf.get_variable('weights', shape=[flatten_shape, units], initializer=w_i)
    dense = tf.matmul(inputs, weights)
    if bias_shape is not None:
        assert bias_shape[0] == units
        biases = tf.get_variable('biases', shape=bias_shape, initializer=b_i)
        return activation(dense + biases) if activation is not None else dense + biases
    return activation(dense) if activation is not None else dense
项目:tensorflow_end2end_speech_recognition    作者:hirofumi0810    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _transpose_batch_time(x):
    """Transpose the batch and time dimensions of a Tensor.
    Retains as much of the static shape information as possible.
        x: A tensor of rank 2 or higher.
        x transposed along the first two dimensions.
        ValueError: if `x` is rank 1 or lower.
    x_static_shape = x.get_shape()
    if x_static_shape.ndims is not None and x_static_shape.ndims < 2:
        raise ValueError(
            "Expected input tensor %s to have rank at least 2,but saw shape: %s" %
            (x, x_static_shape))
    x_rank = array_ops.rank(x)
    x_t = array_ops.transpose(
        x, array_ops.concat(
            ([1, 0], math_ops.range(2, x_rank)), axis=0))
            x_static_shape[1].value, x_static_shape[0].value
    return x_t
项目:LIE    作者:EmbraceLife    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _tensor_shape_tensor_conversion_function(s, dtype=None, name=None,
  _ = as_ref
  if not s.is_fully_defined():
    raise ValueError(
        "Cannot convert a partially kNown TensorShape to a Tensor: %s" % s)
  s_list = s.as_list()
  int64_value = 0
  for dim in s_list:
    if dim >= 2**31:
      int64_value = dim

  if dtype is not None:
    if dtype not in (dtypes.int32, dtypes.int64):
      raise TypeError("Cannot convert a TensorShape to dtype: %s" % dtype)
    if dtype == dtypes.int32 and int64_value:
      raise ValueError("Cannot convert a TensorShape to dtype int32; "
                       "a dimension is too large (%s)" % int64_value)
    dtype = dtypes.int64 if int64_value else dtypes.int32
  if name is None:
    name = "shape_as_tensor"
  return constant(s_list, dtype=dtype, name=name)
项目:SSD_tensorflow_VOC    作者:LevinJ    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _ImageDimensions(image):
    """Returns the dimensions of an image tensor.
      image: A 3-D Tensor of shape `[height,width,channels]`.
      A list of `[height,channels]` corresponding to the dimensions of the
        input image.  Dimensions that are statically kNown are python integers,
        otherwise they are integer scalar tensors.
    if image.get_shape().is_fully_defined():
        return image.get_shape().as_list()
        static_shape = image.get_shape().with_rank(3).as_list()
        dynamic_shape = array_ops.unstack(array_ops.shape(image), 3)
        return [s if s is not None else d
                for s, d in zip(static_shape, dynamic_shape)]
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def assert_scalar_int(tensor):
  """Assert `tensor` is 0-D,of type `tf.int32` or `tf.int64`.

    tensor: Tensor to test.
    `tensor`,for chaining.
    ValueError: if `tensor` is not 0-D,of type `tf.int32` or `tf.int64`.
  data_type = tensor.dtype
  if data_type.base_dtype not in [dtypes.int32, dtypes.int64]:
    raise ValueError('Unexpected type %s for %s.' % (data_type, tensor.name))
  shape = tensor.get_shape()
  if shape.ndims != 0:
    raise ValueError('Unexpected shape %s for %s.' % (shape, tensor.name))
  return tensor
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def reduce_sum_n(tensors, name=None):
  """Reduce tensors to a scalar sum.

  This reduces each tensor in `tensors` to a scalar via `tf.reduce_sum`,then
  adds them via `tf.add_n`.

    tensors: List of tensors,all of the same numeric type.
    name: Tensor name,and scope for all other ops.

    Total loss tensor,or None if no losses have been configured.

    ValueError: if `losses` is missing or empty.
  if not tensors:
    raise ValueError('No tensors provided.')
  tensors = [math_ops.reduce_sum(t, name='%s/sum' % t.op.name) for t in tensors]
  if len(tensors) == 1:
    return tensors[0]
  with ops.name_scope(name, 'reduce_sum_n', tensors) as scope:
    return math_ops.add_n(tensors, name=scope)
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _is_shape(expected_shape, actual_tensor, actual_shape=None):
  """Returns whether actual_tensor's shape is expected_shape.

    expected_shape: Integer list defining the expected shape,or tensor of same.
    actual_tensor: Tensor to test.
    actual_shape: Shape of actual_tensor,if we already have it.
    New tensor.
  with ops.name_scope('is_shape', values=[actual_tensor]) as scope:
    is_rank = _is_rank(array_ops.size(expected_shape), actual_tensor)
    if actual_shape is None:
      actual_shape = array_ops.shape(actual_tensor, name='actual')
    shape_equal = _all_equal(
        ops.convert_to_tensor(expected_shape, name='expected'),
    return math_ops.logical_and(is_rank, shape_equal, name=scope)
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def assert_global_step(global_step_tensor):
  """Asserts `global_step_tensor` is a scalar int `Variable` or `Tensor`.

    global_step_tensor: `Tensor` to test.
  if not (isinstance(global_step_tensor, variables.Variable) or
          isinstance(global_step_tensor, ops.Tensor)):
    raise TypeError('Existing "global_step" must be a Variable or Tensor.')

  if not global_step_tensor.dtype.base_dtype.is_integer:
    raise TypeError(
        'Existing "global_step" does not have integer type: %s' %

  if global_step_tensor.get_shape().ndims != 0:
    raise TypeError(
        'Existing "global_step" is not scalar: %s' %
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def filter_ts_from_regex(ops, regex):
  r"""Get all the tensors linked to ops that match the given regex.

    ops: an object convertible to a list of tf.Operation.
    regex: a regular expression matching the tensors' name.
      For example,"^foo(/.*)?:\d+$" will match all the tensors in the "foo"
    A list of tf.Tensor.
    TypeError: if ops cannot be converted to a list of tf.Operation.
  ops = util.make_list_of_op(ops)
  regex_obj = make_regex(regex)
  return filter_ts(ops, positive_filter=lambda op: regex_obj.search(op.name))
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def select_ops_and_ts(*args, **kwargs):
  """Helper to select operations and tensors.

    *args: list of 1) regular expressions (compiled or not) or  2) (array of)
      tf.Operation 3) (array of) tf.Tensor. Regular expressions matching tensors
      must start with the comment "(?#ts)",for instance: "(?#ts)^foo/.*".
    **kwargs: 'graph': tf.Graph in which to perform the regex query.This is
      required when using regex.
      'positive_filter': an elem if selected only if positive_filter(elem) is
        True. This is optional.
    A tuple `(ops,ts)` where:
      `ops` is a list of tf.Operation
      `ts` is a list of tf.Tensor
    TypeError: if the optional keyword argument graph is not a tf.Graph
      or if an argument in args is not an (array of) tf.Tensor
      or an (array of) tf.Operation or a string or a regular expression.
    ValueError: if one of the keyword arguments is unexpected or if a regular
      expression is used without passing a graph as a keyword argument.
  ops = select_ops(*args, restrict_ops_regex=False, **kwargs)
  ts = select_ts(*args, restrict_ts_regex=True, **kwargs)
  return ops, ts
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_tensors(graph):
  """get all the tensors which are input or output of an op in the graph.

    graph: a tf.Graph.
    A list of tf.Tensor.
    TypeError: if graph is not a tf.Graph.
  if not isinstance(graph, tf_ops.Graph):
    raise TypeError("Expected a graph,got: {}".format(type(graph)))
  ts = []
  for op in graph.get_operations():
    ts += op.outputs
  return ts
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_consuming_ops(ts):
  """Return all the consuming ops of the tensors in ts.

    ts: a list of tf.Tensor
    A list of all the consuming tf.Operation of the tensors in ts.
    TypeError: if ts cannot be converted to a list of tf.Tensor.
  ts = make_list_of_t(ts, allow_graph=False)
  ops = []
  for t in ts:
    for op in t.consumers():
      if op not in ops:
  return ops
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def make_placeholder_from_tensor(t, scope=None):
  """Create a tf.placeholder for the Graph Editor.

  Note that the correct graph scope must be set by the calling function.

    t: a tf.Tensor whose name will be used to create the placeholder
      (see function placeholder_name).
    scope: absolute scope within which to create the placeholder. None
      means that the scope of t is preserved. "" means the root scope.
    A newly created tf.placeholder.
    TypeError: if t is not None or a tf.Tensor.
  return tf_array_ops.placeholder(dtype=t.dtype, shape=t.get_shape(),
                                  name=placeholder_name(t, scope=scope))
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _store_index_maps(self, sequences, context, states):
    """Prepares the internal dictionaries _name_to_index and _index_to_name.

    These dictionaries are used to keep track of indices into the barrier.

      sequences: `OrderedDict` of string,`Tensor` pairs.
      context: `OrderedDict` of string,`Tensor` pairs.
      states: `OrderedDict` of string,`Tensor` pairs.
    assert isinstance(sequences, dict)
    assert isinstance(context, dict)
    assert isinstance(states, dict)
    self._name_to_index = dict((name, ix) for (ix, name) in enumerate(
        ["__length", "__total_length", "__next_key",
         "__sequence", "__sequence_count"]
        + ["__sequence__%s" % k for k in sequences.keys()]
        + ["__context__%s" % k for k in context.keys()]
        + ["__state__%s" % k for k in states.keys()]))
    self._index_to_name = [
        name for (name, _) in sorted(
            self._name_to_index.items(), key=lambda n_ix: n_ix[1])]
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def classification_signature(input_tensor,
  """Creates a classification signature.

    input_tensor: Tensor specifying the input to a graph.
    classes_tensor: Tensor specifying the output classes of a graph.
    scores_tensor: Tensor specifying the scores of the output classes.

    A Signature message.
  signature = manifest_pb2.Signature()
  signature.classification_signature.input.tensor_name = input_tensor.name
  if classes_tensor is not None:
    signature.classification_signature.classes.tensor_name = classes_tensor.name
  if scores_tensor is not None:
    signature.classification_signature.scores.tensor_name = scores_tensor.name
  return signature
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _padding_mask(sequence_lengths, padded_length):
  """Creates a mask used for calculating losses with padded input.

    sequence_lengths: a `Tensor` of shape `[batch_size]` containing the unpadded
      length of  each sequence.
    padded_length: a scalar `Tensor` indicating the length of the sequences
      after padding
    A boolean `Tensor` M of shape `[batch_size,padded_length]` where
    `M[i,j] == True` when `lengths[i] > j`.

  range_tensor = math_ops.range(padded_length)
  return math_ops.less(array_ops.expand_dims(range_tensor, 0),
                       array_ops.expand_dims(sequence_lengths, 1))
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _activations_to_loss(self, features, activations, targets):
    """Map `activations` and `targets` to a loss `Tensor`.

    `activations` has shape `[batch_size,padded_length,
     self._target_column.num_label_columns]`. It is the output of

    `targets` is a `Tensor` of shape `[batch_size,padded_length]`. The type
    of `targets` depends on what type of `TargetColumn` is being used.

      features: a `dict` containing the input and (optionally) sequence length
        information and initial state. This is the same `features` passed to
      activations: a `Tensor` of activations representing the output of the RNN.
      targets: a `Tensor` of target values.

      loss: A scalar `Tensor` representing the aggregated loss for the batch.
    raise NotImplementedError()
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _activations_to_eval_ops(self, targets, metrics):
    """Map `activations` to eval operations.

    `activations` has shape [batch_size,time,num_labels]. `TargetColumn`s
    require shape [n,num_labels]. `activations` is flattened before being
    converted to labels. Afterwards,its shape is reconstituted.

      features: a `dict` containing the input and (optionally) sequence length
        information and initial state.
      activations: logit values returned by `_construct_rnn`.
      targets: a `Tensor` of target values.
      metrics: a list of `Metric`s to evaluate. Possibly `None`.

      A dict of named eval ops.
    raise NotImplementedError()
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _run_with_monitors(session, step, tensors, Feed_dict, monitors):
  """Runs session for given tensors with monitor callbacks."""
  for monitor in monitors:
    tensors += monitor.step_begin(step)
  tensors = list(set(tensors))

  outputs = session.run(tensors, Feed_dict=Feed_dict)
  outputs = dict(zip(
      [t.name if isinstance(t, ops.Tensor) else t for t in tensors],

  should_stop = False
  for monitor in monitors:
    induce_stop = monitor.step_end(step, outputs)
    should_stop = should_stop or induce_stop
  return outputs, should_stop
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def infer(restore_checkpoint_path, output_dict, Feed_dict=None):
  """Restore graph from `restore_checkpoint_path` and run `output_dict` tensors.

  If `restore_checkpoint_path` is supplied,restore from checkpoint. Otherwise,
  init all variables.

    restore_checkpoint_path: A string containing the path to a checkpoint to
    output_dict: A `dict` mapping string names to `Tensor` objects to run.
      Tensors must all be from the same graph.
    Feed_dict: `dict` object mapping `Tensor` objects to input values to Feed.

    Dict of values read from `output_dict` tensors. Keys are the same as
    `output_dict`,values are the results read from the corresponding `Tensor`
    in `output_dict`.

    ValueError: if `output_dict` or `Feed_dicts` is None or empty.
  return run_Feeds(output_dict=output_dict,
                   Feed_dicts=[Feed_dict] if Feed_dict is not None else [None],
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def softmax(logits, scope=None):
  """Performs softmax on Nth dimension of N-dimensional logit tensor.

  For two-dimensional logits this reduces to tf.nn.softmax. The N-th dimension
  needs to have a specified number of elements (number of classes).

    logits: N-dimensional `Tensor` with logits,where N > 1.
    scope: Optional scope for variable_scope.

    a `Tensor` with same shape and type as logits.
  # Todo(jrru): Add axis argument which defaults to last dimension.
  with variable_scope.variable_scope(scope, 'softmax', [logits]):
    num_logits = utils.last_dimension(logits.get_shape(), min_rank=2)
    logits_2d = array_ops.reshape(logits, [-1, num_logits])
    predictions = nn.softmax(logits_2d)
    predictions = array_ops.reshape(predictions, array_ops.shape(logits))
    return predictions
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def collect_named_outputs(collections, alias, outputs):
  """Add `Tensor` outputs tagged with alias to collections.

  It is useful to collect end-points or tags for summaries. Example of usage:

  logits = collect_named_outputs('end_points','inception_v3/logits',logits)
  assert logits.alias == 'inception_v3/logits'

    collections: A collection or list of collections. If None skip collection.
    alias: String,alias to name the outputs,ex. 'inception_v3/conv1'
    outputs: Tensor,an output tensor to collect

    The outputs Tensor to allow inline call.
  # Remove ending '/' if present.
  if alias[-1] == '/':
    alias = alias[:-1]
  outputs.alias = alias
  if collections:
    ops.add_to_collections(collections, outputs)
  return outputs
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_tensor_alias(tensor):
  """Given a tensor gather its alias,its op.name or its name.

  If the tensor does not have an alias it would default to its name.

    tensor: A `Tensor`.

    A string with the alias of the tensor.
  if hasattr(tensor, 'alias'):
    alias = tensor.alias
    if tensor.name[-2:] == ':0':
      # Use op.name for tensor ending in :0
      alias = tensor.op.name
      alias = tensor.name
  return alias
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def apply_gradients(self, grads_and_vars, global_step=None, name=None):
    with ops.name_scope(name, self._name) as name:
      update_op = self._opt.apply_gradients(
          grads_and_vars, global_step=global_step)
      clip_update_ops = []
      with ops.control_dependencies([update_op]):
        for grad, var in grads_and_vars:
          if grad is None or var not in self._vars_to_clip_dims:
          with ops.name_scope("clip_" + var.op.name):
            if isinstance(grad, ops.Tensor):
              clip_update_ops.append(self._clip_sparse(grad, var))

      # In case no var was clipped,still need to run the update_op.
      return control_flow_ops.group(*([update_op] + clip_update_ops), name=name)
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def reduce_sum_n(tensors, name=scope)
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _is_shape(expected_shape, name=scope)
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _assert_shape_op(expected_shape, actual_tensor):
  """Asserts actual_tensor's shape is expected_shape.

    expected_shape: List of integers defining the expected shape,or tensor of
    actual_tensor: Tensor to test.
    New assert tensor.
  with ops.name_scope('assert_shape', values=[actual_tensor]) as scope:
    actual_shape = array_ops.shape(actual_tensor, name='actual')
    is_shape = _is_shape(expected_shape, actual_shape)
    return control_flow_ops.Assert(
        is_shape, [
            'Wrong shape for %s [expected] [actual].' % actual_tensor.name,
        ], name=scope)
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def filter_ts_from_regex(ops, positive_filter=lambda op: regex_obj.search(op.name))
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_tensors(graph):
  """get all the tensors which are input or output of an op in the graph.

    graph: a `tf.Graph`.
    A list of `tf.Tensor`.
    TypeError: if graph is not a `tf.Graph`.
  if not isinstance(graph,got: {}".format(type(graph)))
  ts = []
  for op in graph.get_operations():
    ts += op.outputs
  return ts
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_consuming_ops(ts):
  """Return all the consuming ops of the tensors in ts.

    ts: a list of `tf.Tensor`
    A list of all the consuming `tf.Operation` of the tensors in `ts`.
    TypeError: if ts cannot be converted to a list of `tf.Tensor`.
  ts = make_list_of_t(ts, allow_graph=False)
  ops = []
  for t in ts:
    for op in t.consumers():
      if op not in ops:
  return ops
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def make_placeholder_from_tensor(t, scope=None):
  """Create a `tf.placeholder` for the Graph Editor.

  Note that the correct graph scope must be set by the calling function.

    t: a `tf.Tensor` whose name will be used to create the placeholder
      (see function placeholder_name).
    scope: absolute scope within which to create the placeholder. None
      means that the scope of `t` is preserved. `""` means the root scope.
    A newly created `tf.placeholder`.
    TypeError: if `t` is not `None` or a `tf.Tensor`.
  return tf_array_ops.placeholder(
      dtype=t.dtype, name=placeholder_name(
          t, scope=scope))
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _store_index_maps(self, key=lambda n_ix: n_ix[1])]
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def classification_signature(input_tensor,
  """Creates a classification signature.

    input_tensor: Tensor specifying the input to a graph.
    classes_tensor: Tensor specifying the output classes of a graph.
    scores_tensor: Tensor specifying the scores of the output classes.

    A Signature message.
  signature = manifest_pb2.Signature()
  signature.classification_signature.input.tensor_name = input_tensor.name
  if classes_tensor is not None:
    signature.classification_signature.classes.tensor_name = classes_tensor.name
  if scores_tensor is not None:
    signature.classification_signature.scores.tensor_name = scores_tensor.name
  return signature
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_examples(file_name_queue, reader, num_threads, read_batch_size,
  with ops.name_scope('read'):
    example_list = []
    for _ in range(num_threads):
      if read_batch_size > 1:
        keys, examples_proto = reader().read_up_to(file_name_queue,
        keys, examples_proto = reader().read(file_name_queue)
      if parse_fn:
        parsed_examples = parse_fn(examples_proto)
        # Map keys into example map because batch_join doesn't support
        # tuple of Tensor + dict.
        if isinstance(parsed_examples, dict):
          parsed_examples[KEY_FEATURE_NAME] = keys
          example_list.append((keys, parsed_examples))
        example_list.append((keys, examples_proto))
    return example_list
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _run_with_monitors(session, should_stop
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def collect_named_outputs(collections, outputs)
  return outputs
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_tensor_alias(tensor):
  """Given a tensor gather its alias, 'alias'):
    alias = tensor.alias
    if tensor.name[-2:] == ':0':
      # Use op.name for tensor ending in :0
      alias = tensor.op.name
      alias = tensor.name
  return alias
项目:MobileNet    作者:Zehaos    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _ImageDimensions(image):
    """Returns the dimensions of an image tensor.
      image: A 3-D Tensor of shape `[height, dynamic_shape)]
项目:imperative    作者:yaroslavvb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def make_input(self, x, name=""):
    """Returns Tensor of the same type/device as x which can be used
    as input to native TensorFlow ops,and substituted later with an ITensor,
    using callable created with env.make_function(). The user must ensure
    that future ITensor is on the same device as x,otherwise you will see
    memcpy/CUDA sync errors.

      x: ITensor used to initalize input tensor. It used only to determine
          dtype and device placement.

      A Tensor that can be used in TensorFlow ops.
    op_name = "custom_input_%s"%(name)
    input_holder, input_ = session_ops.get_session_tensor(x.tf_handle,

    self.input_dict[input_] = input_holder
    return input_
项目:Machine-Learning    作者:sfeng15    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def save_op(self, filename_tensor, vars_to_save):
    """Create an Op to save 'vars_to_save'.

    This is intended to be overridden by subclasses that want to generate
    different Ops.

      filename_tensor: String Tensor.
      vars_to_save: A list of BaseSaverBuilder.VarToSave objects.

      An Operation that save the variables.
    # pylint: disable=protected-access
    return io_ops._save(
        tensor_names=[vs.name for vs in vars_to_save],
        tensors=[vs.var for vs in vars_to_save],
        tensor_slices=[vs.slice_spec for vs in vars_to_save])
项目:Machine-Learning    作者:sfeng15    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def restore_op(self, var_to_save, preferred_shard):
    """Create an Op to read the variable 'var_to_save'.

    This is intended to be overridden by subclasses that want to generate
    different Ops.

      filename_tensor: String Tensor.
      var_to_save: A BaseSaverBuilder.VarToSave object.
      preferred_shard: Int.  Shard to open first when loading a sharded file.

      A Tensor resulting from reading 'var_to_save' from 'filename'.
    # pylint: disable=protected-access
    return io_ops._restore_slice(
项目:Machine-Learning    作者:sfeng15    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _AddShardedSaveOps(self, per_device):
    """Add ops to save the params per shard.

      filename_tensor: String Tensor.
      per_device: A list of (device,BaseSaverBuilder.VarToSave) pairs,as
        returned by _GroupByDevices().

      An op to save the variables.
    num_shards = len(per_device)
    sharded_saves = []
    num_shards_tensor = constant_op.constant(num_shards, name="num_shards")
    for shard, (device, vars_to_save) in enumerate(per_device):
      with ops.device(device):
        sharded_filename = self.sharded_filename(
            filename_tensor, shard, num_shards_tensor)
        sharded_saves.append(self._AddSaveOps(sharded_filename, vars_to_save))
    # Return the sharded name for the save path.
    with ops.control_dependencies([x.op for x in sharded_saves]):
      # pylint: disable=protected-access
      return gen_io_ops._sharded_filespec(filename_tensor, num_shards_tensor)
项目:Gating-types-for-Residual-Networks    作者:luong-vinh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _Runop(operator, a, b):
        """Run the operator 'op' for 'a'.

          operator: string. The operator name.
          a: A Variable.
          b: Second argument to the operator. None if unary.
          The result of the operator.
        # pylint: disable=protected-access
        if b is not None:
            return getattr(ops.Tensor, operator)(a._AsTensor(), b)
            return getattr(ops.Tensor, operator)(a._AsTensor())
        # pylint: enable=protected-access
项目:seglink    作者:dengdan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _ImageDimensions(image):
    """Returns the dimensions of an image tensor.
      image: A 3-D Tensor of shape `[height, dynamic_shape)]
项目:A3C    作者:go2sea    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def noisy_dense(inputs, c_names, activation=tf.nn.relu, noisy_distribution='factorised'):
    def f(e_list):
        return tf.multiply(tf.sign(e_list), tf.pow(tf.abs(e_list), 0.5))
    # ??tf.layers?????flatten
    # dense1 = tf.layers.dense(tf.contrib.layers.flatten(relu5), initializer=w_i)
    w_noise = tf.get_variable('w_noise', [flatten_shape, initializer=w_i, collections=c_names)
    if noisy_distribution == 'independent':
        weights += tf.multiply(tf.random_normal(shape=w_noise.shape), w_noise)
    elif noisy_distribution == 'factorised':
        noise_1 = f(tf.random_normal(tf.TensorShape([flatten_shape, 1]), dtype=tf.float32))  # ???????????????
        noise_2 = f(tf.random_normal(tf.TensorShape([1, units]), dtype=tf.float32))
        weights += tf.multiply(noise_1 * noise_2, w_noise)
    dense = tf.matmul(inputs, initializer=b_i)
        b_noise = tf.get_variable('b_noise', [1, initializer=b_i, collections=c_names)
        if noisy_distribution == 'independent':
            biases += tf.multiply(tf.random_normal(shape=b_noise.shape), b_noise)
        elif noisy_distribution == 'factorised':
            biases += tf.multiply(noise_2, b_noise)
        return activation(dense + biases) if activation is not None else dense + biases
    return activation(dense) if activation is not None else dense

# ???bias??????relu
项目:seq2seq    作者:google    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _transpose_batch_time(x):
  """Transpose the batch and time dimensions of a Tensor.

  Retains as much of the static shape information as possible.

    x: A tensor of rank 2 or higher.

    x transposed along the first two dimensions.

    ValueError: if `x` is rank 1 or lower.
  x_static_shape = x.get_shape()
  if x_static_shape.ndims is not None and x_static_shape.ndims < 2:
    raise ValueError(
        "Expected input tensor %s to have rank at least 2,but saw shape: %s" %
        (x, x_static_shape))
  x_rank = array_ops.rank(x)
  x_t = array_ops.transpose(
      x, array_ops.concat(
          ([1, axis=0))
          x_static_shape[1].value, x_static_shape[0].value
  return x_t
项目:seq2seq    作者:google    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_zero_outputs(size, dtype, batch_size):
  """Create a zero outputs Tensor structure."""
  def _t(s):
    return (s if isinstance(s, ops.Tensor) else constant_op.constant(

  def _create(s, d):
    return array_ops.zeros(
            ([batch_size], _t(s)), axis=0), dtype=d)

  return nest.map_structure(_create, size, dtype)
项目:seq2seq    作者:google    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sample(self, time, outputs, state, name=None):
    """sample for GreedyEmbeddingHelper."""
    del time, state  # unused by sample_fn
    # Outputs are logits,use argmax to get the most probable id
    if not isinstance(outputs, ops.Tensor):
      raise TypeError("Expected outputs to be a single Tensor,got: %s" %
    sample_ids = math_ops.cast(
        math_ops.argmax(outputs, axis=-1), dtypes.int32)
    return sample_ids
项目:conv_seq2seq    作者:tobyyouup    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _transpose_batch_time(x):
  """Transpose the batch and time dimensions of a Tensor.

  Retains as much of the static shape information as possible.

    x: A tensor of rank 2 or higher.

    x transposed along the first two dimensions.

    ValueError: if `x` is rank 1 or lower.
  x_static_shape = x.get_shape()
  if x_static_shape.ndims is not None and x_static_shape.ndims < 2:
    raise ValueError(
        "Expected input tensor %s to have rank at least 2, x_static_shape[0].value
  return x_t
项目:conv_seq2seq    作者:tobyyouup    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_zero_outputs(size, dtype)

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