


我已经成功制作了一个 android 设备并扫描并登记了该地区的所有蓝牙设备。我有我刚刚以字符串形式发现的远程设备的 mac 地址,我想用它开始绑定过程。 . 我尝试 BluetoothDevice 对象,然后方法 createBond() 但它没有与远程设备通信以配对.. 这是代码

class BluetoothM: AppCompatActivity{
// mac address of remote bluetooth device
string address;
//the discovered devices are listed in a ListView so i call a listview item click method to start pairing
 private void Dlist_ItemClick(object sender,AdapterView.ItemClickEventArgs e)
        //the mac address has already been assigned in the OnReceive broadcast Receiver
          if (e.Position == e.Id)
              //Get the default adapter of the device
                BluetoothAdapter adapt = BluetoothAdapter.DefaultAdapter;
              //Get the remote device based on its MAC address
                 BluetoothDevice device = adapt.GetRemoteDevice(address);
              //start the pairing process for the device

//This class discovers bluetooth devices and pass MAC address to our string address for use in the listview click method
[broadcastReceiver(Name = BluetoothDevice.ActionFound,Enabled = true)]
    public class Devicediscovered : broadcastReceiver
        public override void OnReceive(Context context,Intent intent)
            string ac = intent.Action; string name;
            if (BluetoothDevice.ActionFound.Equals(ac))
                BluetoothDevice device = (BluetoothDevice)intent.GetParcelableExtra(BluetoothDevice.ExTradevice);
                //add bluetooth name and address if they do not already exist
                if (!MainActivity.avail.Contains(device.Name + "\n" + device.Address))
                    MainActivity.avail.Add(device.Name + "\n" + device.Address);
                    ArrayAdapter arrayAdapter1 = new ArrayAdapter(context,Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleListItem1,MainActivity.avail);
                    MainActivity.dlist.Adapter = arrayAdapter1;
                     //address assigned a value
                    MainActivity.address = device.Address; MainActivity.name = device.Name;
                    MainActivity.mydevice = device;

            Toast.MakeText(context,"Received the intent",ToastLength.Short).Show();



检查您在 Manifest 中是否拥有 BLUETOOTH_ADMIN 权限。注册 ACTION_BOND_STATE_CHANGED 意图,以便在绑定过程完成及其结果时收到通知。获取 device.CreateBond() 的结果,它在立即出错时返回 false,如果绑定将开始则返回 true。 https://developer.android.com/reference/android/bluetooth/BluetoothDevice#createBond()

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